It Doesn't Matter

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Danny couldn't wait for the end of the day to come, he didn't want to be in school and just wanted to leave. Of course the sooner the school day ended the sooner he'd have to meet with the heroes that had been hunting him which wasn't something he was looking forward to. So when the bell rang for the last time that day he wasn't sure how to feel, he just knew this wasn't the end to his day.

Richard spoke while they were walking to his locker, "So how are you feeling?"

"If you mean about meeting your friends that have attacked me several times before then I'd say I'd rather tear out my own eyes but I'm doing it anyway."

"Wow, you really don't like them."

"I don't think anyone usually likes people that attack them over and over."

"That is true, if it makes you feel better they won't attack you this time."

"I doubt that, hell they might just be leading us into a trap."

Richard wanted to argue but he knew why Danny would think that, and he wasn't even sure himself so he couldn't say anything. "Well if they are I'll do my best to help you get away."

"If you didn't I definitely wouldn't go on a date with you."

"Harsh, but I'd do the same if my boyfriend let people that had been hunting me for weeks trap me."

"Good thing I would never let that happen then."

Richard smiled, he was sure that just a week or two ago Danny would have said he'd leave him there. Now he was basically saying he wouldn't let someone catch him and he wanted to hug Danny or even kiss him but decided against it. They were still in the school and even if they weren't he didn't want to suddenly do that and upset Danny.

They both walked out of the school and met up with the others, they were all whispering to each other and Richard looked confused, "What are they talking about?"

"The fact that we're dating, enhanced hearing has advantages."

"Wait, you have enhanced hearing?"


"What powers do you have?"

"Kind of a conversation for another time."

Richard wanted to argue but considering the fact that they were at school and Danny might not want everyone to know what he can do stopped him. He did want to know what he could do but trying to push Danny to tell him would never end well. Instead they just walked up to the others and they immediately went silent, Lucas spoke, "Hi."

Danny just gave them an annoyed look, Artemis spoke, "Okay he definitely knows something is up."

"No shit, the looks on your faces are enough to tell me something is up, yes we're dating get over it."

With that Danny started walking back to the foster home and Isabella and Lucas followed him. They were silent for a few minutes before Lucas spoke, "Well, um, congratulations, you two look like you make a good couple."

"I'm not entirely human and I have a symbiote living in my body what we look like really doesn't matter now does it?"

"I just meant-."

"I know what you meant but how we look doesn't matter, symbiotic entity and powers or not I actually like him so looks aren't important."

Isabella and Lucas smiled which annoyed Danny a lot, he knew it was because he said he likes Richard but that was his business not theirs. Plus they had no business knowing about it unless he and Richard wanted them to know and he hadn't said anything. He was guessing that Richard said something and Artemis or Barbara, probably both, told them.

Regardless of how they found out he was already annoyed and he didn't want to deal with them or this bullshit. As soon as they got to the foster home he went to his room and tossed his stuff in the corner, he didn't want to be here. He used his powers to go to the kitchen and he grabbed some food before going back to his room.

As soon as he was done eating he snuck out of his window and headed into the city, he needed a distraction for the next few hours. He started looking for crime and Toxin spoke, 'You are annoyed.'

"What was your first clue?"

'They are just happy that you are happy, though I do see why you are irritated they should have waited for both of you to tell them.'

"I know, which is why right now I want to think about literally anything else so I don't punch a wall or something."

Then Phantom heard an alarm going off and he jumped into action, it was a gas station robbery. Phantom was guessing these guys were either brave or stupid for doing this during the day, as soon as he jumped down they jumped, one nearly fell so it was stupid. Phantom attacked and in less then a minute he disarmed them and knocked them out.

He was gone before the police got there and he took down criminals for the next few hours, in the end he did feel better. He snuck back into his room and changed back, as soon as he did Mary called him for dinner. He sighed and headed downstairs, he still didn't want to deal with them but he figured he could get this over with quickly.

He sat down and immediately started eating, the sooner he finished the sooner he could leave and not worry about Toxin getting hungry. John and Mary gave each other a look before John cleared his throat, "Danny, we should talk."

Danny didn't look happy, "Not my strong suit, or yours apparently."

Mary spoke, "We know this has been difficult, we're just figuring it out."

"I'm not stupid I know this shit isn't easy to wrap your head around I've just dealt with shit like this more then you. I'm just pissed off by the fact that you're acting normal, I hate it when people act normal when it isn't. You want to talk then say what you want to my face, none of this shit is normal I get that so don't act like it is for some bullshit reason like saving face, I had enough of that before."

With that he got up and went to his room, he left through the window again, he couldn't stay there. Meanwhile, everyone at the dinner table just sat there for a minute before Emma spoke, "Is Danny okay?"

Mary smiled at her, "He'll be okay, he's just dealing with a lot."

Liam spoke, "Can we help?"

John sighed, "I don't think any of us can, but he's tough he'll get through it."

Isabella and Lucas looked at each other, they knew Danny was strong but he was dealing with more then they knew, they just hoped he would be okay.

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