Nothing To Do With Me

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It was officially Friday, a full two weeks since Danny came to this foster home and he wasn't happy about it. He hadn't planned on staying for one week let alone two, but he had to stay for Toxin's sake and now he had a team of young heroes on his tail. He knew they were after him before but he was hoping it would take longer for them to actually run into him.

He had to be careful, not only had they found him already but he knew three of them when they had their masks off. Toxin spoke, 'You are concerned that they may find us.'

"Yeah, we're going to have to be careful around them, especially when they have their masks off."

Toxin hummed and Danny headed down for breakfast, he knew John and Mary liked cooking a good breakfast but there was more food then usual. Not only that but it was a bit more elaborate, on top of the usual toast, eggs, and oatmeal there were pancakes, a bunch of fruit, and even omelettes which didn't make sense because there were already eggs.

Danny decided not to question it and just started eating, at least he knew Toxin was going to be okay until lunch. Mary seemed unusually happy, no, scratch that, most of them looked happier then usual which was weird. The only ones that didn't were the twins but that was mostly because they were both happy all the time, it was unsettling.

Danny didn't engage in any conversation, he just ate and as soon as he was done he went to his room and waited until they had to leave. While he waited he paced and tried to figure out why they were all so happy, what could be so special about today? In the end he gave up and just went to school, he hated it but after today it was the weekend so he didn't have to deal with people.

They got to school and the first thing he did was go to his locker, as he was putting his stuff away someone spoke, "You seem less mad today."

Danny slammed his locker shut and looked at Richard, "Don't count on it."

Danny started walking to class and Richard immediately went after him, "Did something happen?"

"You mean aside from people being overly happy about nothing and someone annoying me despite me telling them to go away several times before?"

Richard stopped, "Wait, you don't know why your foster family is happy?"

Danny glared at him, "Call them fosters if you want but they're not my family, and I don't care why they're happy because it's got nothing to do with me."

Danny walked away but Richard caught up and stood in front of him to make him stop, "They're happy because you've been there for two weeks, they were worried you were going to run away."

"Well that was the plan before a bunch of shit happened and ruined it."

Danny walked past him and Richard followed, they walked into their class and no one else was there, not even the teacher. They sat at their desks and Richard looked at him, "If that was your plan why didn't you leave?"

"Like I said, shit happened, and don't go thinking it was because I wanted to stay because I wouldn't be here if I didn't have to be."

Richard was quiet for a few seconds, he looked a little hurt and Danny didn't like it, and he didn't like himself for caring. "But there are worse places to be."

Richard smiled before he saw the look in his eyes and he knew that Danny had been to places that were worse. He reached toward him, "Are you okay?"

Danny grabbed his wrist, "I'm fine."

Richard didn't believe him, he hadn't looked him in the eye and if he had learned anything about Danny it was that something was really wrong if he wouldn't look at him. Other people started walking into class and the minute bell rang so they quietly waited for class to start and when it did Danny didn't pay attention.

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