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Hours had passed since Danny walked out of the school, he wouldn't come out of his room and the teens were worried. Barbara, Artemis, and Richard eventually had to go home despite how much they didn't want to. Isabella and Lucas waited for their parents to get home and when they walked in with Emma and Liam they immediately took them into the kitchen.

Emma and Liam always went straight to the living room to watch TV so they wouldn't follow them in. Isabella spoke, "Mom, dad, something happened with Danny."

Mary looked worried, "What happened, is he okay?"

Lucas quickly answered, "He's fine, I mean there was a fight at school and he was bleeding but he's okay."

Isabella cut him off, "But that's not the problem, Danny walked out of the school at lunch and we tried to follow him but he disappeared. We decided to see if he came back home and he did but he didn't hear us come into his room and his door wasn't locked, he had scars mom."

John and Mary looked at each other, John looked at them seriously, "What do you mean scars?"

Lucas spoke, "A lot of scars, his arms were covered in them and there were ones that looked like wings on his back."

Mary looked confused, "Wings?"

Isabella nodded, "They covered most of his back, we don't even know what other scars he might have had because he yelled at us to leave."

John and Mary gave each other worried looks, John spoke, "I'm going to make a call, Mary, can you check on Danny?"

Mary nodded and John took out his phone as he walked outside and dialed a number as quickly as he could. Mary went upstairs and took a deep breath when she reached Danny's door before knocking, "Danny, it's Mary, are you okay?"

"Go away."


She was cut off when Danny threw something at the door, "Go away!"

Mary wasn't sure what she should do, Danny was probably going through a lot but he wouldn't let anyone help. In the end she left him alone and saw John walk back in from outside, John looked at her, "I called Danny's case worker, he said we could talk to him tomorrow morning."

Mary nodded, "Danny wouldn't talk to me, I don't think he's doing well."

John sighed and rubbed his eyes, "We can't help if he won't let us, but we've done this four times and I'm sure Danny will let us in when he's ready."

Mary looked up the stairs, "I hope you're right."

Meanwhile, after Richard and Artemis got to their respective homes they put on their costumes and went to the mountain. Robin got there not long after Artemis and she was there waiting for him, Robin spoke, "Did Izzy tell you what's going on?"

Artemis nodded, "Their parents came home and they're going to talk to Danny's case worker tomorrow. Their parents didn't know anything about the scars and Danny's not talking to anyone, except to tell them to go away."

Robin looked worried and he looked at the ground, "I guess we know why he's so angry all the time now."

Artemis looked down too, "Yeah, and we don't even know the story behind it."

They then heard a voice behind them, "The story behind what?"

It was the rest of the team, they had been late getting to the mountain but they hadn't expected all of them to be there yet. Robin answered, "Nothing, just school stuff."

Kid Flash groaned, "School is the worst, just forget about it."

Artemis looked like she was going to say something but one look from Robin stopped her, they didn't want to get the team involved. Danny obviously didn't want anyone to know and getting people that were strangers to him involved wouldn't help. Isabella sent updates every so often to let Artemis know what was happening with Danny.

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