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Danny slowly came to and he looked around a little, he didn't recognize anything around him. He immediately sat up despite the horrible pain and he transformed before running out of the room. He had to figure out how to get out, he didn't think he had the energy to phase out but he could still fight if he needed to.

Phantom had to stop when he ran into a room full of people, he got ready for a fight but when he saw their faces he stopped. They were all heroes, though he hadn't personally met many of them he knew they were members of the Justice League. But just because they were heroes didn't mean he was going to trust that they wouldn't attack him.

Then he heard a familiar voice, "Calm down."

It was Batman, he still didn't trust this, "If you didn't want me to be pissed off when I woke up you shouldn't have taken me somewhere I've never been."

"You were hurt and needed medical attention."

"And you're damn lucky I didn't wake up sooner if that's the case."

Batman was about to talk when Robin pushed through the crowd and hugged him, it hurt but Phantom couldn't care less. He hugged him back but he was still pissed, Robin let him go after a few seconds, "Sorry, if we had another option we wouldn't have done that, but you stopped breathing and didn't have a heartbeat."

"The heartbeat thing is normal." Everyone looked confused, Phantom just got more annoyed, "I am literally dead, half ghost, I do not have a heartbeat."

Robin looked like he wasn't sure what to feel, "How?"

"You have learned several things about me since we met, the points that are relevant are my hate for the government, my scars, my lack of a societal presence for a while, and now the bit about me being dead, think about it."

Robin was silent, then his eyes widened, "You have got to be joking."

"I'm not."

Robin just gave him a sad look, then he just shook his head like he was trying to forget about it, "I would get into that but I need to know something."

"Yeah that seems to happen a lot."

Robin gave him an unamused look before he sighed, "Toxin?"

Phantom was silent, Toxin had been badly hurt, and he hadn't talked at all, he didn't even feel him moving around at all. He waited, and every second scared him more and more, Toxin couldn't be dead, he couldn't lose his friend. They said they'd die together, he didn't want to be left here alone to figure things out after all of this.

'I am here.'

Phantom froze, it was faint, he was so weak he was probably seconds away from dead before, but he was there. "He's okay, worse off then me but he's alive."

Robin let out a breath he didn't know he was holding, he was really worried Toxin didn't make it after all of that. Batman then spoke, "And Prior?"

"Dead, and believe me that wasn't easy."

Batman didn't look happy, "Heroes don't kill people."

"I'm not a hero, I never was and I don't want to be." Almost everyone actually looked shocked by that, "You don't get it, Prior was dangerous, if he managed to get to one of you and one of you became his host he could kill a lot of people. He killed his own team just because he wanted to, he fucking ate them, imagine what he would do to the people you claim to want to protect."

"You don't know anything about Symbiotes, he does not care about anything, he will kill whoever he wants, he can and will eat every single person he comes across. Don't look at me like you have some moral high ground, if we didn't kill him he'd kill until he was stopped. I didn't want to kill him, hell even Toxin wished he didn't have to, but we had to make a tough call."

"Prior killed his own kind, they wanted him dead, by their rules and laws he should have been put to death a long time ago, Toxin and I just managed to carry out the sentence. I don't give a shit if you don't like it, we sure as hell don't, but you aren't the one that has to live with that."

The heroes were quiet, Phantom didn't want to be here, he started to walk out when Robin grabbed his hand, "You're still hurt."

"And I don't trust most of the people here to help me, I've been through worse and taken care of myself, I just want to go home."

Robin didn't move for a few seconds, then he slowly let go of his hand, he wasn't going to stop Phantom when he'd been through so much, he deserved to get to go home. Phantom left holding his stomach and trying to ignore the pain, he was ready to go home. When he left the mountain he found a place to hide and changed back, he slowly made his way home gritting his teeth at the pain.

It took a while for him to get home, when he opened the door he barely got to close it before someone hugged him. It was Mary, after a few second she pulled away and she was crying, "Are you okay, how do you feel?"

"First, ow, second, I'm alive that's all anyone needs to know."

Mary took a deep breath and wiped her tears away, "I'll get you some food, I think you deserve some food."

She hurried off to the kitchen and Danny sighed in annoyance, then he heard noise coming from the living room. When he went to see what it was Isabella and Lucas were there looking anxious, Danny already knew they wanted to hug him or something. "Chill, we're alive, we won't die that easily."

Lucas sighed, "Can you at least act like you nearly died and that it's at least kind of a big deal."

"Almost dying is pretty common for me, and why the fuck aren't you two at school?"

Isabella answered, "Mom called us out of school and said we had a family emergency."

"I am fine, I'm alive, Toxin's alive, Prior is dead, so chill."

Isabella and Lucas still looked worried and it annoyed Danny, but he was still glad to be home.


This is the last chapter but I'm working on a sequel to this if you guys want to see it when it's ready.

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