First Day Of School

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It had been about two days since Danny was taken to this new foster home and this was his first day of school. Up until now Danny had mostly stayed in his room, Mary and John had gotten him school supplies. They drove him and the others in a van, Danny, Lucas, and Isabella were all going to the same school but the twins were still in middle school.

So the three got dropped off first and Danny immediately noticed something, it's a fucking rich kid school. He wondered why they were wearing the same uniform and he had his answer, honestly it should have been obvious. Isabella and Lucas waved goodbye to John and Mary but Danny just walked toward the school.

At least he would only be here for a day, whatever they were transporting was supposed to get there that same night. Danny was so absorbed in his thoughts that he ran into something and fell, now he was getting pissed. He looked at what he ran into and found out that it was actually someone, well shit.

The guy he ran into looked at him, "Sorry about that."

Danny wanted to be mad but for some reason he just couldn't be anymore, he shrugged, "I wasn't paying attention."

The guy smiled nervously, "I wasn't paying attention either." He handed Danny the schedule and the teen took it, "I'm Richard by the way."


Richard glanced at the schedule Danny was now holding, "I'm guessing your new?"

Danny glared at him a little, "Got a problem with that?"

Richard put up his hands in surrender, "I was just going to offer to show you around."

Danny glanced at where Isabella and Lucas had been, they had disappeared so Danny quietly sighed, "Sure."

Richard helped Danny up and took him to the office first, Danny got his books and dropped them off at his locker. Richard then showed him around the school, surprisingly enough they found that they had the same classes. Fortunately they had enough time to also get to their first class before the bell rang which was good for them.

Classes were boring and Danny's mind wandered, that is, until he noticed that some of the other kids were messing with Richard. It was subtle enough that the teacher didn't see but Danny did and it pissed him off, unfortunately he couldn't do anything about it right now. When lunch finally came around he got his lunch and sat at the only empty table and ate as he thought.

This was the third day, he would find out what they were taking to that building soon and he would be out of here. He was taken out of his thoughts when someone sat down next to him and he saw Richard who smiled at him. Danny raised an eyebrow, "What are you doing?"

Richard shrugged, "Eating lunch with you."


Richard looked slightly confused but before he could ask any more questions four more people sat across from the two. It was Isabella and Lucas along with two people he didn't know, Isabella smiled at him, "Hi Danny."

The girl next to her with blonde hair spoke, "Wait, this is Danny, you're new brother?"

Danny looked mildly irritated, "Let's not go that far."

A girl with orange hair leaned closer to Lucas, "You weren't kidding when you said he could be rude."

Danny looked at her, "I heard that."

The girl looked away seeming slightly ashamed and Isabella tried to break the tension, "Um, this is Artemis." She indicated the blond girl next to her, "And that's Lucas's friend Barbara." She pointed to the girl with orange hair.

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