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The car ride was silent for a minute before Artemis broke the silence, "Okay, I'm just going to say it, you got shot."

Danny looked at her, "Seven times, your point?"

"How are you alive?"

"Toxin makes killing me a lot harder, and believe me it wasn't easy before."

Lucas spoke, "Toxin?"

"The very angry creature that took over my body to take his anger out on those guys from before, he does have a name."

Toxin growled, 'I am still angry, those men deserved worse then they got.'

"Yes I can feel your anger but they're going to get worse so chill."

They all looked confused and Richard spoke, "Can you hear him?"

"Constantly, he is in my head after all."

None of them said a word, for a minute, John pulled into the driveway of the foster home and they all got out. John and Mary were very glad that Emma and Liam were at a friend's house so they didn't have to worry about them at the moment. They all went into the living room and Danny glanced around to make sure the curtains were drawn, just in case.

Everyone but Danny, John, and Artemis sat down, they were all silent until Mary spoke, "So who, or what, is Toxin?"

"He's called a Symbiote, and before you ask he needs a host, I happened to be a good match for him so we stuck together."

John spoke, "Your hair and eyes changed color."

"Because I'm not completely human."

They all stared for a second, Barbara spoke, "So you're saying-."

"Yes, this is my human form and I use my other one when I might need to use my powers."

Artemis spoke, "How are you not human?"

"A lot can happen when you're missing for five years."

They all paused, then Lucas spoke, "Does that mean someone made it so you weren't completely human?"

"Yes they did, and I'm not talking about it anymore."

They all took a second to process that, Isabella broke the silence, "Who were those guys?"

"From the looks of it they were Jokers men, my guess is they were looking to cause trouble and didn't expect anyone like us to get in the way."

Artemis raised an eyebrow, "Us?"

"Toxin and I are partners, so yes, us."

'And we make a good team.'

"I will agree with you on that one buddy."

Barbara spoke, "Wait, buddy, you call him buddy?"

"He's earned it at this point, hell less then an hour ago he stopped me from bleeding out after getting shot several times. And as much as I hate to admit it he's one of the few reasons I've been less angry, believe me I could have been worse."

They were all quiet for a few seconds, Richard finally spoke, "Could we, maybe, talk to him?"

Toxin spoke, 'I will speak to them.'

"Your call."

Toxin took over and they all stared for a minute, Toxin growled, "Speak before I get impatient."

Artemis spoke, "So you're Toxin?"

"That was established well before this."

Isabella spoke, "What do you want with Danny?"

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