The Dance

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Danny resented every second of this, he refused to leave his room even when he heard cars pull up. He watched Richard and Artemis leave one and Barbara left the other alone, he could hear the others downstairs. There wasn't much that they had to do to get ready but they apparently decided to do it in the loudest way possible.

Toxin eventually spoke, 'You will have to leave eventually.'

"Yeah but I'm going to push it off as long as possible."

'You are incredibly stubborn, if they say anything even remotely rude to you I can bite their heads off.'

"Okay that does make me feel a little better, but I'd rather not have anyone die if we can help it."

'Then maybe I will scare them, either way hopefully this is not entirely unbearable.'

"If they don't make it unbearable other people will, alright I'm leaving but if I decide to knock some heads don't be surprised."

'I will not be, chances are I will even help you.'

Danny couldn't help but laugh a little, then he sighed and got up, he went downstairs as he wished he hadn't agreed to this. Meanwhile, Barbara, Artemis, and Richard had been at the foster home for almost an hour and they were waiting for Danny. They didn't want to try and make him leave his room but they might have to soon, then his door opened and closed.

They all walked into the hallway and he looked annoyed, "Anyone says a fucking word and I will end you."

None of them said anything, Richard might have if he weren't staring at Danny, he couldn't speak if he wanted to. His suit was all black, the suit vest was blue with designes that almost reminded him of something. The blue matched his eyes perfectly, the tie was blue too with similar designs, it was simple but to Richard is was perfect.

The others decided to get the last of their things together but Richard was still staring at him, Danny looked at him, "What?"

Richard looked away, "Nothing, you just, you look good."

Danny was silent, he looked at Richard's suit, black and red, he couldn't say he didn't expect that. There was a rose pinned to his jacket and it was white, Richard soon snapped out of it and walked up to Danny and pinned something to his jacket, a similar white rose. Richard gave him an apologetic smile, "The others really wanted to do it, you can take it off later if you want."

Danny looked irritated again, "I fucking hate prom, you do realize a flower died for this stupid thing."

"That is morbid, if it makes you feel better I'll plant some roses later and they won't get their flowers cut off."

Danny shrugged, "I wouldn't hate you for it."

"Does that mean you hate me now?"

"You would not be conscious right now if that were the case."

Richard wanted to say something but decided against it and just grabbed Danny's hand to pull him into the living room. The others were grabbing shoes, bags, or wallets before they left, Mary and John were dressed up since they were chaperoning the dance. Not enough teachers wanted to do it and they'd apparently volunteered much to Danny's growing annoyance.

When the others were ready John spoke, "Alright, everyone in the car, and make sure you have everything."

No one argued, after making sure they had everything they got in the car and John started driving to the school. On the way Toxin spoke, 'At least it hasn't been that bad so far.'

Danny had to agree, Mary hadn't tried to take pictures of him and the others seemed to be trying to leave him alone. But they had yet to get to the school, and Danny had the strangest feeling that something was going to happen. When John parked they all got out and Danny was already starting to hate being in the suit.

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