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3rd pov: Saturday, 8th of June

While Lev and Inuoka had fun together, both temporarily forgetting about their Crushes, Shibayama and Lev both felt very lonely and sad. Inuoka had never ditched Shibayama before. He always said that he hated it. "When you make plans with someone you should always keep that day free. There is no excuse for ditching someone" Inuoka really was stubborn with that.

That he still ditched Shibayama made Yama feel terrible. Yama wanted to invite Inuoka to watch the movie 'Ma' that just recently came out. They planned on watching the movie together as soon as they heard about it. It somehow instantly caught their attention and they were eager to see it. Still, they decided on waiting some time until the cinemas weren't that crowded anymore. Also, they didn't get a reservation before. Inuoka didn't know that Shibayam made this reservation. Yama wanted it to be a surprise. Yama planned everything down to the smallest detail because Yama was 100% sure that Inuoka would come. He didn't. He ditched Yama for Yaku. Sometimes Yama wished to be Yaku instead. Or in general somebody else. Being agender was annoying. Sure, most people Yama knew used the right pronouns but some people misgendered Yama and used pronouns like it and her for Yama. Yama didn't care about the pronouns other people used for Yama. Still, it was hurtful if people used the wrong pronouns, especially the one Yama feels most uncomfortable about.


Lev on the other side didn't realize Yaku was gone until 3 pm. He just drew all the time and forgot about his surroundings. He probably wouldn't have recognized that Yaku was long gone if there wasn't Shibayama calling him.

on the call with Lev and Shibayama

Hey Lev, how are you doing, is everything alright?

hello shibayama, my favourite enby! And I'm doing great, I'm just drawing. I should probably go and check up on Yaku though. Why'd you ask?

First of all, thank you. Second of all, Yaku? I thought he was hanging out with Inuoka?

Wait, what? The last time I checked he was in the kitchen talking with my sister after breakfast. I got upset so I came up here and drew some things. I actually continued this picture you wanted. It's almost done. How late is it anyway? And why would Inuoka hang out with Yaku? You already planned on hanging out with him and he never ever ever ever ditches people.

Okay, so it's like a quarter past 3. And yes he indeed ditched me for Yaku. You know that I was going to go to the movies with him. Well, he didn't know and I have those tickets for in two hours, so we could go there together. The thing with him not talking to you is sad but you can't change that now. Let's just hang out and have some time without them. And thanks for the picture. It really means a lot to me. I'll probably cry when I see it because I know that it's never going to happen anyway. Oh to be Yaku.

Oh to be Inuoka. Anyway, yes I would love to. They can watch the movie alone for all I care. Actually, I'm pretty sad that he's gone. We wanted to spend the complete day together. But to be fair, I once ditched him after Inuoka friendzoned you really bad.

Yeah, I remember that. It was awful. The thing is that he didn't realize how he friendzoned me. Even Kenma realized it and he wasn't really paying attention. He was just there because Kuroo was talking to Inuoka. *sigh* Anyway, I have some sort of date planned for today, actually. It is all platonic so don't worry but it has some things that could be seen as more than that. I probably would've confessed today after all of this. But nevermind that.

Oh, my bad, bro! I shouldn't have drawn. Maybe Yaku didn't want to bother me and then called Inuoka. This still doesn't explain why Inuoka ditched you. Wait- maybe he saw the sketch of him kissing me. Fuck. He probably was uncomfortable after that. I'm so so so sorry.

The Pride Confession, yakulev (ShibayamaxInuoka)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora