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3rd pov: Saturday 15th of June

"First, if you don't want to answer a question, you can take a shot instead" Shibayama started explaining the rules. "By that logic, you could drink some every time you don't want to answer a question, don't you?" Fukunaga interrupted him. "Yes, you can but you will get pretty drunk looking at how much we're going to play and this would just intensify it. The more alcohol you drink, the more likely you will do the dares and answer the question. Maybe you even let your biggest secret slip." Shibayama explained. 

At this statement, Yaku tensed. He would pay a lot of attention to what he was saying and would only drink if it's necessary.

"Okay next rule. You can't pick truth 3 times in a row. Same for dare." Inuoka continued. 

"Sound reasonable", Teshiro said. "Okay, you talked enough. Let's start" Kuroo added. He wanted to end this as soon as possible because he didn't necessarily like this game but didn't want to ruin it for the others.  "Who starts?" "I'll start. Teshiro, truth or dare" responded to the question Yamamoto asked. Teshiro picked truth and Kuroo, the curious person he was of course had to ask "Who did you kiss?"

This made Teshiro slightly uncomfortable. He didn't like this kiss. He didn't like kisses in general. Still, he didn't mind sharing the story: "Ah that. It was a classmate of mine who couldn't accept that I'm aro-ace and they wanted to prove to me that I'm wrong and kind of forced themselves on me. Now I know for sure that I never want this." 

"I'm sorry for you man. They shouldn't have done it" Kuroo commented while Shibayama agreed: "Yeah, what did they think? Gosh I sometimes hate people". 

"I always do", Kenma said out of the blue. "You don't hate me" Kuroo argued, expecting kenma to reply with a blunt 'but I do'. Instead, he got a "Touché" as answer", Hah. I love you Kitten" "I love you as well Tetsu" 

"And now we continue. Teshiro, pick someone. And Lev can you hand me over the Katjes, please" Yaku interrupted them. the whole team got annoyed by this lovey-dovey behaviour of the two. 

"Sure, ehm Kenma. Truth or dare?" Teshiro tried bringing the conversation back to the original topic. Kenma picked truth as well. "okay. How long have you been in love with Kuroo? Sorry, I'm not very creative." Teshiro nervously asked. "Nah, it's fine. I think I have loved him since I was 8 and after that, I fell in love with him further and further in a romantic way." Kenma responded, blushing slightly. 

"Cute" Teshiro commented. "Of course! My boyfriend is the cutest." Kuroo responded, looking proudly at the blushing mess who was sitting on his lap. "Stop." Kenma said and Kuroo responded with "yessir". 

" You're a simp" Shibayama commented making Fukunaga cal out the latter: "As if you weren't" This made Yama blush and shut up

"Look who's quiet now. Anyway, Kenma you're next" Lev added. He secretly felt targeted as well because he was a major simp for Yaku. 

"Yeah, yeah whatever. Yaku truth or dare" Kenma asked. He had something in his gaze, nobody could really lay their hand on. 

" T-, I mean dare" Yaku answered. he was scared of Kenma and he knew that Kenma would target him more in the following game. "of course you would. Anyway, I already told you on Monday. Confess to him. You have time until the end of this month" Kenma said, smiling mischievously. 

"nooo. But I already accepted it anyway. But if he doesn't like me, I'll-" Yaku started but got interrupted by Kenma: "He obviously likes you back and now stfu before I'll tell everyone". "Fine. But just so you know. I already planned a bit. It will be the perfect confession if he likes me back and if he doesn't I still would've spent some time with him before he broke my heart.", Yaku said. "Stop being so pessimistic. That's my job" Kenma commented. 

The Pride Confession, yakulev (ShibayamaxInuoka)Where stories live. Discover now