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Chapter XXXV- The Aftermath

(Ethan's POV)

It's been almost a week now ever since I had my outburst kiss to her. I have been avoiding her. No, she hasn't been calling me. I'm guessing that she's avoiding me as well. It took me a lot by surprise when I did it.

But the weird thing is that, I enjoyed it, and I for sure didn't regret it. I'm glad that I kissed her; feeling her warm lips on to own. The tingly feeling, and my heart racing like a Lambo.

I'm at the edge of my leather seat, listening to a 2 hour meeting. This sometimes bores me to death, but I gotta do what I gotta do. Can't outrun what runs my life.

After hours, and hours of long, and late night meeting; finally it was done. My schedule is all cleared, and I won't have another meeting until late tomorrow.

I sling my brown leather bag filled with unsigned papers, and never ending paperworks. I threw my bag behind my Audi R8, and slowly inserting the key into the hole. The ringing sound of my iPhone into my pocket, not letting me drive out of the parking lot just yet.

It's Katy. Should I answer? Or not? I'm lost here. So, I slowly move my thumb on to the answer section.

"Hi...." I started with such a happy time in my voice. Maybe I should stop this so it wouldn't look like I have been waiting for her call.

"Ethan, we need your help Now!"

"Whoa, what's going on?" I started to panic. I know from the bottom of my heart that this isn't Katy.

"Katy, she's drunk, and she won't stop drinking."

"Tell me where you guys are."

"We're at the V-21 bar down the alley, you need to hurry before she gets into another fight."

"I'm on my way." I hang up, and rushed my car into the way. I speed up my car, more than the chosen miles per hour.

After I maneuver to the alley, there they are by the corner outside. That lady must be her assistant Tamra that she's been mentioning about. I quickly pulled to the side of the curb, and hop off my car.

"Alright, I got this." I carried her into my arms. She's unconscious. "What happened to her? Why does she have bruises all over her body?"

"Her rehearsals have been getting intense lately, and she just had an accident this morning."

"Why was she drinking?"

"Family stuff."

"Well, we can't take her home like this. I'll bring her to my house for the night. Come on, let's go." I slowly slid her to the back seat.

"I can't go with you, I have to fix something that she made. Just take care of her okay?"

"I will. I promise."

I got into my car, and started driving faster than usual.

"Don't worry Miss Perry, I'll take care of you." I glance at the mirror, looking if she somehow gain consciousness.

As soon as I got home, I carried her again once more to the door. She's heavier than I thought she would be.

I twisted the key inside the hole, and kick the door open. I swing to my left side, to turn on the light switch. I slowly walk up the stairs, then into the guest room. I settled her to bed.

"Ethan is that you?" She mumbled, groggily.

"Yeah, Miss Perry it's me." I move to her side of the bed, "don't worry you'll be alright. I'm gonna go get the first aid kit, and you'll all be fix up." I caress her cheek, then quickly making my way through the medicine box. I grab a circular metal bowl, filling it with water, as I grab a moist towel.

Oblivion 》(Series #2)Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin