Chapter XXI- Who You Are

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Chapter XXI- Who You Are

-Ethan's POV-

I couldn't get any sleep last night, based on the fact that I'm trying to process of what he means when he said that.

What am I supposed to remember, and why is it this hard?

"So, what do you want to know?" Antonio asked, as he tapped his fingers against the table.

"Everything." I responded without hesitating.

"Okay, first of, with Katy." He started, "believe it or not, you two were couple once. Inseperable, and cannot be taken apart from each other."

"Wait, so we used to go out?"

"Yeah, in fact you two were madly in love. You flew over to where she is, and it didn't matter how far it was." Antonio said, smiling.

That explains why I grew easily to her, and she grew easily to me.

"Wow, but wait, how come I cannot remember her, and our memories as what you've said?"

"Because of your amnesia." He said, "you were confined 3 years ago, and when you woke up you had no memory of her. Just her." He stated.

"Again, why her?" I said, scratching the back of my neck.

"I have no idea." Anthony sighed, "but if you asked me, I think it's because of the heartbreak, and sorrow that you've gone through that she caused."

This is too much information, that I cannot remember nor process. My head is aching from all the things that's coming in.

"So, basically we were once something important?"

"Yeah, very man." He said, throwing a punch on my shoulder, "now, if you wanna know more about your relationship with Katy, I suggest you ask her about it."

"Wait, where are you going?" I asked, as he stood up rushing outside of the coffee shop.

"Business calls my man, now good luck about your missing memories." He smiled, "just remember, don't take it too seriously when you find out about everything, alright?"

"Alright?" I said, unsurely, as I sat back down from my seat.

I took a sip from my coffee, then again try and process everything. I need some place that is quiet, and where I can think straight.

I settled a money on the table, and rushed outside the room. I started my car, and quickly stormed off the curb.

After taking slight turn, I have finally arrived. I slowly walked out of my car, then into the scenery of the sun. I sat on the bench, crouch down, and placed both of my elbows on my lap.

I closed my eyes, and deeply think about what Antonio told me, John, and everything that's been giving me the sign that we used to mean a lot to each other.

Then, I started seeing flashes, and it's fascinating.

'Dig deep into your memory, and remember' John's voiced echoed.

'You two were madly in love' Antonio's voice echoed as well.

Their voice was echoing all at the same time, but all I could see, is what I've already known. Nothing new, or anything.

'Because of your Amnesia' Antonio's voice then again echoed.

I slowly moved up my hand, on to my head, trying to remember a single memory that proves that we were once something strong. But, I see nothing.

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