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"Dinner is another word for awkward."

-Katy's POV-

I hate the feeling of being torn in a decision. I don't have any idea whether or not I should go to him, or just let it be. It's been a few days since I brought him to the hospital, and I haven't heard from him since. Maybe Norma brainwashed him again, and now I look like another bad person.

I have never hated anyone so much as much as I hate Norma. Yeah of course I hate Russell, but I think Norma defeated him. Norma is just a piece of shit that I want to get rid of. I bet everyone wants to get rid of her. She's nothing but a bitch.

I yelled through my pillow as I get a thought of her brainwashing me to Ethan. She could be saying something bad about me right now. Ugh!!!

"I mean if you think about it, that bitch Norma is destroying the hell out of me." I groaned and add it with a little cry.

"Aw, poor Katy.." Angela said, rubbing the back of my head.

"Cheer up a little bit Katy." Tam added, "who knows, he might even call you 5 seconds from now.."

"Don' be weird Ta--." I was cut off by my phone ringing.

Okay, that's just straight up weird.

I sat up, and pulled my phone from the side desk. It's Ethan. I have both of my eyes bulging as I stare at the screen.

"Who is it?" Angela asked.

"It's Ethan." I showed them my phone.

"No way." Angela said, "Tamra is a psychic. Quick, say that when Katy answers that Ethan will remember everything."

"When Katy takes that call he will remember her." Tamra said without any stops.

"You guys are a bunch of weirdos." I slide for answer, "hello?"

"Does he remember you now?" Tamra asked laughing.

"Sssh." I said before walking somewhere far away from them.

"Miss Perry, you still here?"

"Yeah...yeah, I'm here." I chuckled, "sorry my assistant and my sister are a bunch of weirdos." I laugh.

"It's okay." Ethan chuckled, "tell them I said hi."

-Ethan's POV-

"Ethan says hi guys." Katy yelled, "so, why'd you call?"

My heart suddenly dropped, and I feel really nervous.

"I called because uh...." I stuttered, having trouble to find the right words to say. Needless to say that I'm really nervous.

"Is everything okay?"

"Yeah everything is fine." I coughed, "the reason why I called is because, I was wondering if....uhm... If--- you'd--- uh.... If you'd like to come over for dinner tonight."

It was dead silence for a second, but although I could hear her breathe.

"Is it a yes or a no?"

"Count me in." Katy responded, which is a relief.

"That's great." I can feel my smile getting bigger, "that's really great." I can feel the butterflies in my stomach getting bigger.

"Can I take someone with me?" Katy asked. And I'm really hoping it's not John.

"Yeah sure."

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