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FIFTY TWO- Whatever Happens, Happens

(Ethan's POV)

I slowly pulled over to curb in front of Katy's house. I shifted it to park. I glance at a sleeping Katy. I smile, and undo my seatbelt.

"Wake up sleepy head, we're here." I slightly gave her cheek a punch.

She flickered her eyes open, and yawn.

"Way to wake up a person." She smiled, and yawned again.

"Come on, let me walk you out." I said, opening my side, then ran to open hers.

"Thanks." Katy smiles.

"You know, you really have to stop snoring." I chuckled, messing her hair up a bit.

"You know, you really have to stop being grumpy, and mean."

"You know better than I can't do that." I chuckled, as we stop in front of her doorstep.

"Well, uh-- thank you for everything. Helping me with my hangover, and letting me cry in front of you. You're a great friend." Katy smiled at me, as she embrace me, leaving me in complete shock.

I slowly settled both of my hand behind her back, as a smile crept up my face.

"What are friends for?" I smiled in return, "well, uh-- I have to go. Meeting in an hour so--." I chuckled shyly, as I play with my foot; pretending to write something down on the ground.

"Go ahead, and good luck." Katy smiled, as I start walking backwards, still facing her. I smiled in return.

"Ethan!" Katy yelled, making me turn, "fighting!"

"Fighting." I smiled, and wave her goodbye, before heading out.

(Katy's POV)
- 3 hours later -

"Okay Kate, tell me all the details. And don't you dare leave any details out." Tamra criss cross in front of me, as she held my hand tightly, showing that she really want to know.

I sighed laughing, "okay, uh-- where to start."

"Spill it Perry!" Tamra giggled, as she took a bite from her pizza.

"Alright-alright, uh----." I laughed. I have no idea where to start, "I don't know where to to begin Tam."

"Start from when he came to the club."

"Oh, okay." I started, "from what I can remember, he carried me on the way to his hotel when we arrived the place. And halfway through the piggy back ride, I can feel that he's really struggling." I laugh at the memory, "and when we got in the elevator; I remembered him saying; 'you'll be alright, I'll take care of you'. It was really such a sweet moment. I'd laugh if I can."

"Wow, that's amazing. Go on."

"He settled me to bed, he took care of my vomit that was all over my body, which is really embarrassing, and he took off my clothes, and changed it. Then, the next morning he prepared me breakfast, and got me Chinese food for lunch. We watched a movie, and sang him the first song of my album. I cried, and he comforted me. Then, here I am. He took me home." I take a long breath after not taking any breaks throughout my info.

"Whoa-whoa, back up." Tam scooted next to me, "he took your clothes off?" Tamra squealed.

"Wow, Tam that's what you got out of my long ass details." I rolled my eyes, and laugh.

"Well excuse me." She laughs, "he took off your clothes for christ sakes!"

"Well that's what he did."

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