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Chapter XLVI- Friends For Real?

(Katy's POV)

He's really sticking to the deal. He has been there for me as a friend, with no attachments whatsoever. He offers me rides, and listens to all my problems like any friend would do. It's like nothing happened a few days ago. Could he possibly moving on? If so, why do I feel uneasy?

I shouldn't be. I should just be happy of what I have. Because, if I start to ask way too much, something will always go wrong. I should just leave this one alone.

I should be glad that we're finally getting into good terms. As a friend. Yeah, as a friend. Good friends. Best friends.

"The one that got away.." I ended the song. I smiled, and hang back my headphone by the microphone stand.

I suddenly hear clapping behind me. I turn around seeing Tamra and Ethan standing right next to each other.

"Ethan." I said happily.

"Kate, that was amazing." He embrace me with a hug, as he also spun me around for a second before setting me down on the ground.

"Awwh, thank you. That means a lot." I blush.

"You're welcome, and for that I am buying you lunch." Ethan smiled, "now, let's goooo." He pulled my hand out of the recording studio. I was now being dragged by my ex boyfriend, who's now my best friend. Wow, my life is not so complicated after all. My subconscious, and I laugh knowing that there's a sarcastic tone in my voice.

He pushed me inside his car. He stopped for a second before turning his whole attention to me.

"Buckle up." Ethan leaned in so close to me that I literally freaking froze. He pulled the seatbelt; attaching it to the area where it locks the entire thing, "there, safe and sound." He winked, before starting the engine.

"Ethan Nate Anderson, where are we going?" I laugh saying his entire name, as I gave his shoulder a punch. We're literally like one of those teenagers who has been friends since kindergarten.

"Katheryn Elizabeth Hudson, I am taking you by that pizza place we got kicked out of. And this time we will behave." He pinched my cheek, as he continued driving.

I blushed all of the sudden after hearing him say my whole entire real name. He hasn't called me that since when we were still together, and he still has his memories in tact.

"Sure my thing Mr. Bossy pants." I retorted.

"I am not bossy. You are." He chuckled, giving me a little tickle to the side.

"Ethan!" I tried scooting my side, but there was no space to move to, thus meaning that he can reach me well fine.

"Katy!" He imitates me.

"Oh, you want to play it that game Huh?" I laughed, "I will get you later."

"Let's see about that Perry Werry." He smiled so bright, that everything went so slow, as if I was in a movie.

Knock it off Katy. You and Ethan are just friends. Don't let your wandering feelings get the best of you. I talk to myself to crazily.

"Are you okay?" Ethan chuckled, "you keep making these weird faces."

"I am alright; thanks for asking." I rolled my eyes, as I went to my Instagram camera roll to take a pic of us, "now, smile for the media."

He quickly made a goofy smile, as I did as well, and he confined back on driving.

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