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Chapter X- Getting Close..

-Katy's POV-

The bed felt nice, as if they've been touched by thousands of angels. I slept good. No aching, no interruptions; just nice, and peaceful sleeping.

I slowly opened up my eyes, I suddenly felt something weighing down my waist. I slowly looked down, seeing Ethan's hand on my waist. I clenched my jaw, as I think of how I'm I doing this.

Slowly, and gently, I move his hand away from my waist, but so only fails. The next thing I know, I was pulled, leading me to face him. We were so close to each other that I can just lean in for a kiss.

But, as I stare deeply to him, I notice that I haven't been this close to him ever since.... In a long time. I felt a smile plastering my face. I never thought that I would get this close to him again.

My heart. My pulse. Are all acting crazy. I wanted to kiss him so bad, but I might get into his bad side again, and I don't want that.

I was still staring at him, wondering how I'll get out of this situation. I was stunned, seeing his eyes slowly opens. He smiled for a second, but soon died down. His eyes widened, as he jerked off away from me quickly.

"What time is it?" Ethan asked, still stunned.

I looked over at my phone, showing that it's 6am in the morning.

"6." I said, yawning, "what time are we leaving again?"

He rubbed his eyes before he could respond to me.

"10am." He said back, "in the mean time, why won't you get ready, so we can get it started in an hour, so we don't have to do anything. Got that Ms. Perry?"

I nodded, and took a stand. Based on the fact that he's still shirtless, still makes me feel like I have a thousands of butterflies inside my stomach.

"You can go first."

"Thank you." I said, almost rushing to the bathroom, so I don't have to stare at his body for another second.

I locked the door, and slowly leaned against it. I tried managing to catch my normal breathing, which is coming along. I placed my outfit to the side, as I picked up my toothbrush. I did the normal brushing.

As I was done, I checked the mirror once more, and everything is clean. I then, add the usual make ups, and all the beauty essentials. After that, I stripped off my old clothes, and wear my new one.

All done. A little fixing to the side, but finally done.


A/N; I'll try to do a third person POV. This will not be permanent. Just trying out new things. Let me see how this goes.


-Narrator's POV-

While Katy was in the bathroom, Ethan is on the other side, checking his email. Scrolling down the inbox, seeing if there's any change that has been made. But, there seems to be nothing.

Ethan closed his laptop, and pulled a navy blue v-neck over his head to wear. Just as he was finish, Katy came back to where Ethan is. Katy look like she's attending prom. She's pretty as she ever been. Ethan still couldn't see because, he was still looking for something inside his duffle bag.

Just as he found what he was looking for, he took a turn, seeing Katy standing over to the side, looking pretty. Ethan paused, as if he was stunned. Katy felt a little awkward. She glance at the corner, erasing the awkward situation.

Oblivion 》(Series #2)Место, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя