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Chapter XXX- Betrayal?

-Katy's POV-

I flickered my eyes open, with a sound of thud. I sat myself down, and stretched. My head feels a bit woozy, and I feel like I'm literally about to throw up.

I searched for water. I found one, and drank it in an instant.

"You're awake, that's good." John said, "now, do you remember what happened, or am I gonna have to tell you?"

I can't remember anything that happened.

I shrugged, "I don't know."

"Well, for starters; you kissed Ethan." John chuckled.

My eyes were bulging out of me.

"I what??" I stuttered.

"I don't know much of what happened, but you kissed him." He continued, "oh, and the worst part is that Norma saw the whole thing."

"Are you serious?"

"Yeah." John said, "Katy, what the hell were you thinking? I get that you're drunk, but why?"

I sighed, "I don't know. But I gotta fix this before it's too late."

I stood up from my bed, and walked inside the bathroom. I splashed myself with cold water, and finally it was all clear to me now. I remembered everything.

I probably ruined a relationship. What am I supposed to do now. Wait, not probably, I did ruin a relationship. I bet that he hates me right now.

I did all my usual routine. I stood in front of the elevator, waiting for it to open up. I looked around the area to see if there's any sign of him; but as usual; he's nowhere to be found.

I slowly walk towards the elevator, and pressed the big L. As it elevates down, I started thinking of things he'll say to me when he sees me. Harsh things. And I'll accept it. Because it's my fault, and I should handle the consequences.

I just couldn't stand the idea of being at this state, where I know that it's all my fault. This whole thing hit me like truck. I have finally realized that my actions are actually hurting the people that's important to me. First John, and now Ethan.

The opening of the door distracted me from my train of thought. As I was walking my way through the lobby, the thoughts of my mistake still haunts my head. What was I thinking doing that? Ugh!

I was so lost thinking about my mistake, that the tip of my head slightly hit the wall. Oh, how embarrassing.

"You okay there?"

I looked behind of me, seeing Ethan right in front of my eyes. He doesn't have that angry expression, and it's odd.

"Hey, Ethan." I started, "I'm glad that you're here, I just want to apologize about last night. I shouldn't have done what I did, and-and I totally would get if you hate me right now." I looked down at the ground.

I hear him chuckling, which is odd. He should be yelling at me. Not that I want him to do that, it's just what I expect.

"I don't hate you." He stopped laughing.

"You don't?"

"I was, but then I thought about it." Ethan said, leaning to the wall, "you were drunk, and you absolutely have no clue what you were doing."

"Thank you." I smiled, "so, how mad was she?"

"So mad that she broke up with me." Ethan sighed as he faced me.

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