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Chapter IX- Sharing The Same Bed?

-Katy's POV-

I started gaining consciousness, wondering where we are right now. I yawned, and stretched a bit with my muscles feeling a bit stiff. I looked over to my side, seeing an adorable sleeping Ethan.

I smiled, moving closer to him. But not too close. I examined his features, noticing a few things. But, there's one that stood up to me the most. The scar on top of his head. Not in the middle, but to the side where no can see it. But, I can.

I just kept staring at him, intrigued. I feel like, the more I see him, the more I fall in love with him even more. Like usual.

"You can stop staring at me now." Ethan chuckled, opening his eyes, "what meal do I look like to you?"

He was laughing out loud. I can't help, but to laugh along, as I flare up a little inside. God, I swear it's like he has a third eye.

"I wasn't staring." I denied, "anyways, what time do we get there?"

He checked his watch, and glance back at me, "about half hour, or maybe forty five." He shrugged, as he sat up, instead of laying down. For once, I think he's being nice to me. I wonder what changed.

"Can I ask you something?"

"It depends." Ethan smirked, "go ahead."

"Your scar.... What happened?"

Ethan smiled, but soon turned serious. It's not a mad expression, nor sad, but serious. It's like he's trying to think through on where to start.

"3 years ago, when I was in Paris, the doctor said that my amnesia is getting stronger, so they had to do a risky surgery." Ethan sighed, as he pointed to where his scar is, "and that's how I got this thing up my head."

I nodded, as I tried coming up with another thing we can talk about so we don't have to stare at each other. What I mean by staring at each other, is that I stare at him like he's some kind of meal.

"Why the sudden question about it?" Ethan asked, confuse as he run his hands into his quiff hair.

I shrugged of not having any reasons. I was just confuse why he has it. He eventually gave up on waiting for my response.


As we were pulling over to the side, I suddenly felt tired even though I just sat all the way here. My back feels crooked, and all I want to do is rest.

I hopped off the car, a few seconds before him. He was getting some of his stuff behind the trunk, as he also took out mine.

"No-no, I can do it." I resisted, as I tried taking the bag off of his hand.

"Ms. Perry, I've got it handled." Ethan smiled, as he strapped his bag around his back, and carried mine.

"Thank you."

As we were walking towards the building, I couldn't help but to notice how nice he's getting to me. It seems like it was just yesterday when he told me that I make his blood boils, but now he's over here carrying my bag for me.

"God, Ms. Perry, what is inside your bag? A rock?" He asked, laughing.

I chuckled a couple, "just essentials."

"Women." Ethan chuckled, as we entered inside the building. There was a couple of people walking around, by not a lot for me to feel like hiding.

" can take a seat over there, while I handle a couple of things with our room, okay?"

"Okay." I smiled, and walked over to where the couches are. I eyed him, seeing him talk to the receptionist. He glance at me for a quick second, then back to the person he's talking to.

No more than any seconds later, there was a few flashes outside that caught my attention. There's a few paparazzi's outside; holding up their cameras for some juicy pictures.

I sighed, and groaned.

"C'mon, we should go." Ethan said, pulling my hand, "room is ready."

We stormed off quickly. He was pulling me quickly, that made his grip tight. He kept going, until we made it inside the elevator.

"They just won't quit won't they?" Ethan asked, laughing. I looked over him, confuse. So, he did notice about the whole thing.

I shrugged, "I guess."

"Well, if it makes you feel any better, I was front cover of a magazine once; and it was entitled, another failure." Ethan said, clicking his tongue.

"Wow. That was--"

"Harsh isn't?" He said, raising his eyebrow.

The elevator dings open, leading us to stop our little laughter session. It didn't take much walking until we made it in the front door of our room. He jiggled the keys inside, which opens it a second later.

I got in before him, leading me to see be room first. As I got to the main bed, there's one problem. Only 1 bed. Uh-Oh, why do I have a feeling that we might share the same bed. It's not such a bad thing for me actually, now that I think about it.

Ethan didn't get to see it, because he immediately went inside the bathroom.

"Uhm.... Ethan??" I shouted, but not too loud.

"What is it Ms. Perry?" He shouted back, but not too loud also.

"We have one problem."

I heard the flush, and the bathroom door opens. He looked at me, and I gestured to where the problem. He knew exactly right away what the problem is, I didn't even have to tell it.

"There must be some kind of mistake, I'll be right back in a sec Ms. Perry." Ethan said, as he stormed off of our room. I was left alone with nothing to do, but to wait. I sat on the bed, and just waited.

-10 minutes later-

I heard the doorknob moving, meaning that he's back. It was a little too long, but I didn't mind.

"Are they gonna change our room?"

Ethan sighed, "Not really, they said that even if they want to change the room, they can't cause the rooms are fully booked. This is the only room that's available."

Having to think that we might be sleeping together, kind of scares me a little.

"So, what now?"

It was quiet for a second before he spoke up again.

"Since the bed is big, I guess we'll have to share it." Ethan suggested. It surprise me a little that he didn't make me go sleep on the floor.

"Uhm.... Okay." I said, unsurely.

"Don't worry I don't snore, hopefully you don't too Ms. Perry." Ethan laughed, as he settled his bag to the side.

"Ah! I don't snore." I retorted, as I laughed. His smile is like the old Ethan I know and love. Could he possibly be coming back?

"Good." He chuckled back, "if you don't mind, I'll go ahead and rest. Work doesn't start until tomorrow." He unbuttoned his jeans, showing his boxers. He then, took off his shirt, seeing his abs, and his well-formed muscles.

I swear I can hear my own heartbeat, pumping like crazy.

He laid down on the bed, and pulled the sheet on to him. He closed his eyes, but soon opens it.

"I think I'll go rest too." I stuttered, as I laid down on the bed with him, but not too close. As I laid down, I wasn't facing him. We were back to back from each other.

The room was too quiet that, he might be able to hear my own heartbeat. I gulped slowly, as I turned my head to look at him. He was sound asleep. Well, I guess he's just really tired.

I face back to my side, and stared off to the wall. But, no longer than second, I started feeling drowsy. That's when, my eyes closed. I was now sleeping.

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