Chapter XXIX- Falling to Pieces...

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Chapter XXIX- Falling to Pieces...

-Katy's POV-

Am I really doing this? Moving on. If I am, then why am I feeling guilty, like I'm the one that's hurting him.

Ever since last night; I can see that he wanted to talk to me, but I didn't. Why didn't I? Is it because of John stopping me? Or myself.

Whatever it is, I better figure it out before it bites me in the ass.

"Katy, are you sure you'll be alright? I'm gonna come back around 10." John asked.

"Yeah, I'll be fine." I let out a smile.

"Alright, if anything goes wrong just give me a call okay?" John said pinching my cheeks.

I nodded before he came running outside the room.

What am I supposed to do in the mean time?

Oh god my stomach is grumbling. I'm starving that I could literally eat everything in sight.

I grabbed resort key, and head outside the room. I got inside the elevator, and pressed the big L. It didn't take that much time before two doors open revealing the lobby.

I walked towards the buffet food area, and quickly picked up a plate. It all looks good, I mean everything. I want to eat all of it, but that would make me bloated.

I went in the salad area, and picked up the huge spork. Before I could scoop for spinach; NOPE this isn't the time for eating healthy. I went back to where all the unhealthy foods, and just start putting them into my plate.

After getting all my food; I settled it on the table, and started eating like a football player after a game. It seems like as if I never eaten before. Shove this, shove that and a little water.

"You might want to slow down there." Someone said, making me choke the food that's inside my mouth, "you don't want to die because you ate too much Miss Perry."

Now, that's Ethan. I glance back having the right assumption.

"E-e-ethan." I stuttered, "what are you doing here?"

"To eat." Ethan chuckled settling his food in front of me, "now, tell me why are you eating like this?"

"Just really hungry." I blushed.

"Well, slow down a little." Ethan laughed, "stay still you have a little something at the side of your chin." He said before placing his thumb on to my chin, and wiping it slowly as he stares at me. I stare back.

"T-thank you." I stuttered shyly, "where's Norma?" I changed the subject wondering why he's eating alone.

"Oh, she left for a meeting." Ethan said, "she won't be back until midnight." He smiled before eating in front of me.

"Oh." I replied back before eating slowly, and not like a total monster.

"How about John? Where is he?"

I looked up at him seeing no emotion or anything like jealousy. It's just a normal question.

"Same except music meetings, and tours." I started, "same stuff a singer goes though." I chuckled.

I glance at him; seeing that he's examining my features. I couldn't help but to just ignore it. Not because I want him to stop on his own, it's just that I feel this stirring inside of me like the first we met.

I glance back at him; seeing that he stopped staring at me, and continued eating. I smiled, and continued eating.

We eventually finished eating. As we were done; we decided to take a walk.

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