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Chapter XXXVI- Just A Little Bit Of Your Heart.

(Katy's POV)

I finally woke up. Remembering what happened earlier makes me happy. I don't know if that means something, or if he wants our relationship to be real, but I'm happy that we did what we did.

I examine around the room, and he's nowhere to be found. Where is he? I hear the water outside of his backyard splashing. He must be washing his car at the moment.

I walk over the window, and slowly getting a peek of him wiping his windshields, and a bunch of other parts. I grab his grey sweatpants, and one of his v-neck shirt. I headed downstairs to where he is.

"Morning beautiful." He glance at me, as he continued washing his Audi.

"Morning." I smiled, covering my eyes from the bright sun.

"Come here, and help me out." Ethan gestured to a bucket full of water with soap; along side with it was a sponge.

I walk over to the bucket, dipping the sponge in and out of the liquid. After getting enough water substance into the sponge, I started wiping the car door; circular way. I watch the water/soap dripping againts the door. A thought of asking hi if we're getting real or not struck by. I have to ask.

"Can I ask you something?" I started quietly as I continued cleaning the spot.

"Sure, ask away."

"I was just.....uh.....I'm still....I was just wondering if....uh..." I struggle to find the right words to say. I'm literally about to burst. Soon, "I was just wondering if we're still pretending to be you know.....?"

I watch his face expression changed. I don't know if it's good, or bad. Then suddenly, he started walking towards me; smiling. Again, I don't know if this is good or bad. The next thing I know, is his lips crashed against mine. Our lips descending against each other, the way the feeling it's just perfect. MY heart jumped around the area; happily.

"Does that answer your question?" Ethan smirked, leaning his forehead againts mine.

I struggle to find the right words to say.

"Wake UP!!!" Ethan dumped a whole bucket fo water over me. I hear hin laughing.

"Ethan!" I fake cry. I turn back away from him pretending that I'm mad about what he did, but little does he know; I'm slowly picking up a hose to spray him with.

"Miss Perry?" I felt his hand settling on my shoulder. I let him wait a couple pf seconds, until I spray him completely out of nowhere. He bacl away from me, standing over to the other side; covering his left eye. I walk over to him, making sure he's okay.


"Gotcha back!" He sprayed me with cold water with another pair of hose.

Now, we're having a water hose fight. If the neighbors take one glance at us; we're gonna look like a bunch of adults who acts like kids. But, I really don't care. I'm enjoying this time, I'm enjoying him, and I'm enjoying the day based on the fact that we're not pretending anymore. Dream do come true.

After our little fight with the hose, I decided to take a shower since I'm already soaking wet. He went before me so, he's downtairs cooking something for lunch. I feel joy today. Everything is going so well today. He may not remember me right now, but I still enjoy the things we're doing. After I finished taking a shower, I went dowstairs; smelling something that totally hooked my whole entire exitence.

"What are you cooking?" I asked.

"Just something, now sit." He pulled me a seat.

"Smells nice."

"Why, thank you." He bowed down in front of me like I'm a queen, which I am.

"I have a meeting around 3:30, and I'll be back around 5 or 7:30." Ethan settled down a bowl of hot steaming soup.

"Okay." I nodded, as I take a first taste of the soup. As soon as it touches my tongue, I already knew that I like it, "Oh.My.God."

"What? Is it not good?" Ethan pouted.

"No, it's amazing actually." I take another taste.

I look at him smiling, showing his adorable little dimples.

"Oh shit!" He stood up, exasperated, "I'm so late for the meeting, Uh, I really have to go, I guess I'll see you later?" He rushed giving me a quick kiss on the lips.

"Drive safe." I bid my goodbye, before watching him leave the area. Now, I'm all alone.

(Ethan's POV)

The meeting finally concluded, and I cannot wait to go home, and just rest the day with her.

I know it may seem too fast, and that I blew the whole plan, but I don't care, it's worth it. I fell for Katy hard, and I have to admit it.

I smiled on the way to my car, by just thinking about her, and her adorable smile. It feels all new to me, but it's a good thing.

I threw my suitcase besides the driver's seat, but before I could get inside, a huge 3 shadows is reflecting the window.

Why am I getting a bad feeling that something is about to happen to me?

I glance around at them, only a couple feet away. They were getting closer to me.

"Are you Ethan Anderson?" One of them asked.


The next thing I know, two of them came at me, and started beating the shit out of me. I was being kicked around; hard. I was laid down the ground; weak, and hopeless.

A flash came before my eyes; showing the exact same thing as my dream. I was badly hurt by a lot of people, couldn't tell how many.

"That'll teach you a lesson." The tall guy said, before walking away from me along with the other two people that he's with.

I could still see them, but I'm fading consciousness fast. They all stop.

"It's done." I heard him say to someone, then I was out.

(Katy's POV)

I pace around the room, panicking wondering where he is. He should be back by now. I tried calling him, but there was no answer.

I tried calling again. Finally there was an answer.

"Ethan, where are you? Are you okay?" I panic asking.

"Are you Miss Perry?" A lady asked.

"Yeah why? What happened to Ethan? Is he okay?"

"I'm sorry to say ma'am, but he's in the hospital right now at Blue Duke Drive. He's badly hurt."

My jaw drop, my heart fell. I stood in the middle of his lounge room; shock, and most importantly; scared.


A/N; I'll update again if this gets 15-30 votes, and 12-20 comments 😊 and let me tell you, the next chapter; you might actually hate me for it....

#QOTD; How do you feel about this chapter?

#SOTD; Risk It All by The Vamps 😍💖🙌

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