Chapter XXIV- The Lying Game

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Chapter XXIV- The Lying Game

-Katy's POV-

This is all my fault, I shouldn't have told him about his dad. I didn't think it would go this far. If he doesn't get through this, I couldn't forgive myself. Ever.

He has been inside the ER for 2 hours with no absolutely news. His head pain must be serious for this to happen.

"Where is he?" I heard Norma's voice.

I glance at the hallway, seeing her in tears. I stood up, and started walking towards her. John was right beside me.

"What happened?" Norma cried.

"His head..."

"What did you do to him?!" Norma shouted right at me.

"Let's not play the blame game here." John said, "she doesn't want any of this. No one wants any of this."

"You were the last one with him?!" Norma still shouted, "what the hell did you do to him?!"

"I--I." I stuttered, "I told him about the death of his father, and-and, he remembered how he died." I started to cry.

"You bitch!" Norma swung her arms at my face, "I don't want you near him you understand?!" Norma yelled, "don't make me file a restraining order on you."


"Shut up!" She shouted, "talk one more time, I swear to god I will kill you."

She walked towards the inside of the double door. I weep down on the ground crying like someone died. My heart is breaking, and I don't know if I can take it anymore.

-Norma's POV-

I don't regret doing anything, except letting her into his life again. I can see him gaining a few memories, and instead of being happy, I hated it.

Remembering means he'll come fading away from me, and God knows I cannot let that happen.

I stood next to him, as I get a hold of his cold, and pale hands. The doctor said that all of the new things that's been coming inside of his head; in other words memories, is way too much for his brain to handle, especially with his critical amnesia.

The door slowly opens; revealing Katy. I quickly walked towards her, with my fist into a curl. I am trying not to do anything until the right time.

"What the hell are you doing here?" I frowned at her, "I told you to stay away from him."

"Please just let me see him." Katy begged.

"No Katy no!" I shook my head a no, "get the hell away from him."


Before I could say anything, I hear groaning coming out of Ethan. I quickly turned around, seeing Ethan slowly gaining consciousness. I walk towards him quickly.

"Babe, it's me Norma." I smiled, as I get a sight of him; awake, "are you alright?"

"What happened?" Ethan asked; hoarsely, "and why are you crying? Hey-hey, don't cry. I'm alright." He wiped a tear out of my cheeks.

I held his hand tightly, and closed my eyes. I'm glad that he's okay.

"Miss Perry.." I heard him mumbling his name, "are you alright as well?"

I glared at Katy, before seeing her storming out of the room. She did the right thing.

"What was that about?" Ethan asked, obliviously.

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