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Chapter XIII- Rescuing Me

-Katy's POV-

As I was being pulled out by Nathan to the side, I couldn't help but to let a single tear drop down my cheek. It hurts a lot than what I thought I would let it. Is that really how he looks at me.

I was sobbing hard into his arms, feeling secure. He was holding on to me tightly, that's when I knew that it hurts a lot.

"Now, do you want to tell me what happened?" Nathan asked, as he wrapped a jacket around my body.

"I really don't want to talk about it." I sighed, taking a stop near the pole.

"Can I ask you something?"

I nodded as a response. I hold on to the jacket tighter as the wind blew harder.

"Do you like him?" Nathan blurted out without having any hesitation whatsoever.

I faced him, and stare at his eyes deeply.

"Doesn't matter anymore." I sighed, giving him back his jacket, "can we go back inside now? I don't feel like walking anymore."

"Wait, not yet." Nathan pulled my hand, leading me to fall into his chest. We were face to face, really close.

He started leaning in to kiss me. It was surprising, but I didn't feel anything. No sparks, and nothing like the way I do with Ethan. I backed away from him; immediately.

"This isn't right." I said, "we shouldn't do this." A single tear flowed down my cheek.

"Why?" He pulled my hand close to his, as his grip is getting tighter, "nothing is wrong here, so just come here."

He pulled me in closer, as he pushed my back to lean in to the pole. He kisses my temple, and I felt uncomfortable as I've ever been. I tried resisting but, he was holding on to me tightly.

"Nathan stop!" I yelled, pushing him to the side, "I wanna go back inside." I said, as I walk right pass him.

It didn't take much walking until, I was pulled again by him. He threw me against the wall hardly enough for me to feel pain. He was then kissing me everywhere, and I feel more uncomfortable.

"Stop!" I said, biting his ear. He backed away from me quickly, as he placed his hands to where I bit him to.

"Ah! You bit me!" Nathan shouted, as he pushed me down the ground. I landed on the rock, leading me to have lots of scratches, bruises, and something else that definitely hurt.

He pinned me down, locking both of my arms to the side, as he continued kissing me everywhere. I tried resisting, but he's way too strong. He's way to heavy for me to be fighting for.

I tried yelling, but his hand covered my mouth. I still tried yelling for help hoping that someone would hear me.

I am being rape, and no one will rescue me.

-Ethan's POV-

I have no idea what got into me for what made me say that to her. I didn't mean it. It came out like word vomit. I guess that I just had myself to caught up on the fact that I literally do not trust that guy.

I sighed, running both of my hands against my eyes, being pissed at myself for letting him in Katy's life. Wait, why am I so angry, when we are not even a thing. Plus, I have Norma, and that's all I could ever ask for. But, I still questioned myself with my anger to Katy.

I shook my legs uncontrollably, as I bit the nail of my thumb, trying to come up with a way to apologize to her. Where is she anyway?

She's just probably taking some time alone, and I very much respect that. If she needs some time alone to cool off because of what I've said, that's is totally fine.

But, why am I worried all of the sudden? I'm sure that she can handle herself. But then again, something might be happening, and she's in need of help.

I groaned, and stood up from my seat. I took my jacket, and ran my way outside the room. I scanned the lobby thoroughly, inferring that maybe she's here. But, she's nowhere to be found.

I went outside the main lobby, and off to where the beach is. I examined the front view thoroughly, hoping that she'll come popping out. But, as I what I thought, she'a nowhere to be found.

I ran, and ran everywhere. I stopped, and looked everywhere, but she's still nowhere to be found. I'm starting to worry. What if something bad happens to her?

Where the hell are you Ms. Perry?

As I was looking at the very last area of the beach thoroughly, there was a dark figure to the side pole. As I get closer to it, there's someone laying down the ground being raped. Until I got closer, seeing Nathan pinning Katy down.

I pulled Nathan off of Katy to side. He grunted, as I kicked him to the side. I pinned him down, as my knuckles meets his face. I was punching him hard enough, for my knuckles to start bleeding.

Until he can no longer move, I threw him to the side. I slowly slid Katy into my arms noticing lots of bruises all over her body. We slowly walked away from him. She's sobbing hard, she held on to me tightly.

"Don't worry Ms. Perry, I'm not gonna let anything bad happen to you." I said, bringing her closer to me. That's is the last time that Nathan will come any closer to her. Or else it's my fist again.

As soon as we got inside the room, I settled her on to the bed, and quickly pulled out the first aid kit. As soon as I have everything I needed, I settled her legs against my lap. I slowly started to wiped down some blood that was oozing out of her scratches.

I slightly rubbed alcohol against the wound, so it's less painful.

-Katy's POV-

Watching him taking care of my wounds, makes me not so fearful anymore. And having to remember what he said to me, makes me feel safe.

He ripped a couple of small bandages, and three huge ones. He settled the small ones to my cuts, and settled the big to where the serious wounds are.

After taking his time of taking care of everything, he pulled the sheet, and settled it on my chest. I was no resting, comfortably. He walked off somewhere else, and went back to me.

"Take care Ms. Perry." Ethan smiled, walking out of the room. But before he could do so, I called out his name.

"Ethan." I said, "thank you for everything."

He glance at me with a smile, "my pleasure Ms. Perry." Then he stormed off out of the room.

Oblivion 》(Series #2)Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang