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Chapter IV- He's back, and He has changed.

-Katy's POV-

Chapter IV- He's back, and He has changed.

-Katy's POV-

So, he's finally back, I'm glad. But, seeing him with another girl is not okay with me. It hurt like I was being electrocuted. It might be even worse than my divorce with Russell. Yeah, that worse.

I was sobbing hard over the corner, until John came behind me. I quickly wiped my tears, as if they were never there.

"Katy, what happened?" John asked, worriedly, "did something happened? What did you see?" He was asking all of these questions, that I didn't feel like answering.

"Nothing, just please take me home." I begged, as I started walking to his car. They were all coming. The flashbacks. Remembering every bits of memory back at that restaurant.

As I got inside the car, I didn't feel like talking, but rather breaking. That wasn't such a pleasant sight to see. I mean, who would want to see their boyfriend, going out with another girl. And besides, I shouldn't be mad about it. We were broken up. But, I couldn't help but to feel another.


"Katy, we're here." John's voiced echoed inside through my ears. I was still hung up about what I saw, and I couldn't somehow get my mind off of it.

Flashbacks keeps coming inside my head, and it's like having the worse migraine. I squinted my eyes, trying to get the image off, but it won't work.

"Katy, you okay?" John snapped his fingers right in front of my face, "I said, we're here." His voice still echoed, but I can still hear his voice.

I shook my head, and shifted to him, "yeah I'm fine, I just need rest that's all." I opened the door, and hopped off the car. As I was walking my way through my doorstep, John quickly ran to me.

"I know you saw something back there at the restaurant." He said, as his face turns serious, "you saw Ethan, didn't you?"

That suddenly got my attention. But, how come he knew about it?

"Yeah, I did." I said, as I looked down at the ground. I didn't feel like lying to him right now. I think because it's too much for me to handle. "Does that answer your satisfaction?"

John sighed, looking down at me. It was filled with concern. I didn't feel like dealing with anything right now.

"Katy, don't do this." John begged, as he settled both of his hand on the shoulder, "let me help you."

"John, can you please just leave me alone!" I shouted, as I sprinted away from him. I have to admit, I felt bad. But, that was the anger that I've been holding on for a while.


I went on with my day, like usual. I got off my recording session, and went for any meetings for my next concert. It's different this time, because they're planning on adding a 3 year tour. It's a huge plan, but if meaning it'll keep me away from thinking about him, then I'll go for it.

If this tour does happen, we have to get involve in some other things. In other words, we have to get lots of company sponsors. We're lacking on it these days.

"So, for today's schedule, we'll be meeting with other companies that wants to sponsor us." Tamara informed me, as we were walking towards the hallway, "that's where we're heading right now. As we speak."

Her hands were full, and she barely can't walk right. I got some stuff off of her, but there was too much of it. As we were heading inside this big conference room with Mr. Andrews, Cobb, and a few people from my crew, I notice that this'll probably be another sponsor that'll flunk like the rest.

Tamara opened the door for us, leading me to be the first person that walks in. There was only a few people scattered around the rectangular table. We took our seats, and waited for someone else. I don't know who, but it must be someone who's in charge of everything around here. The chairman to be exact.

"He's running a little late." The guy said, as panic runs around his voice. He was sweating, and he looks nervous as if he soaked in sweat.

"Gale, where is he?" The guy with the deep voice demanded.

"I don't know sir, but I got call from his assistant that he'll be here momentarily." He said, as he took a seat away from us.

The door finally opens. I couldn't see who the person was, because he was surrounded by 3 other guards like he was a big deal. I can tell that he's the kind of person whose cocky, and self centered.

"AHHH, finally he has arrived." Gale said, with such relief.

"Let's get this started." Mr. Andrews said, as he took out some papers. I still couldn't who the guy was.

"Okay, first things first, I'd like you guys to meet Ethaniel Nate Anderson, the head of the board." Gale said, as he took a stand, "he'll be the one that will make a choice today."

"Yeah I am." He said, as the two other guys retreated back. My eyes were popping out of me, seeing Ethan right across from me. "Today, either I say yes, or no." Ethan said, as he took off his ray ban glasses.

"Okay, glad to know. Let's get this started shall we?" Andrews said, as he flipped through pages.

I wasn't paying attention of what they were talking about. Every time they ask me something, I either nod, or just say nothing at all. I could still hear what they were talking about. But, my full attention was in him. I just kept staring at him. I never took my eyes off of him.


After hours of arguing, it finally came to an end.

"Decision Mr. Anderson?" Andrews said, sighing. The funny thing about this whole situation is, now Andrews is calling him Mr., when Ethan used to work for him. Oh, the irony.

His eyes were settled into mine. There was a sudden chill. I felt myself blushing, like it's somewhat a big deal.

"I'll do it." Ethan said, as picked up his Ray ban sunglasses again. As I was about to head out with the others, I can't help but to notice how much he has changed.

"Ms. Perry, stay here for a little while." Ethan said, as a bunch of other people closed the door behind them, leading me and Ethan to be alone in one room.

I slowly took a seat across from him, and I settled my bag aside.

He sighed, and took off his glasses once again. He leaned both of his elbows on the table, and looked at me closely.

"Be honest here." Ethan started, "are you following me?" He smirked. He's totally different.

I felt myself being a bit angry, knowing he thinks that way.

"Following you?!!" I raised my voice, "what makes you think that?"

He stood up, and started walking towards me. He sat next to me, and slightly move closer to me.

"I remember you." He said, seriously.

My eyes widened, and I suddenly felt really nervous.

"You do?" My eyes were glittering, as wait for his response.

"Yeah, I do." Ethan huffed, "you were at the hospital with me 2 years ago when I was confined. Tell me, who are you?"

I paused. If I answer this wrong, he might think that I'm some kind of stalker.

"I'm just someone you'll do sponsorship with." I shrugged.

"I'm gonna ask you again, and this time don't lie. Tell me who are you?"

"I'm Katy Perry, what's more to tell?"

"Sure you are." He stood up, "okay, we're done here."

He took off quickly. Now, I know something.

He's back, and he has changed.

Oblivion 》(Series #2)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora