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Chapter XLII- Masquerade Ball Pt. 1
(Ethan's POV)

The sunlight started tapping against my window; which can mean that it's morning, and it's also another day at the company. Same as usual. Probably for the rest of my entire life. I wonder why Callie can't do it herself; why do I have to do it?

I rolled over to the other side of the bed; having the bed all to myself. Norma must've left, and didn't want to wake me since I was really tired from all the signing, and endless meetings. I slowly got up, and glance at my side desk to find a note, and the rest of my stuff such as my phone.

Left early, sorry I didn't wake you up. Breakfast is downstairs. Have a nice day, and see you later.

I went straight to the bathroom to freshen up, and shake the morning feeling away. I'm never a morning person. Unless something good is about to happen. I stare at myself at the mirror for a second before heading over to the shower.

As I was done; I quickly pulled the towel that was on the sink where I left it. I wore my normal outfit; which is suit and tie. I went downstairs with the rest of my stuff to go eat at the kitchen. At the table was egg, bacon, and waffle. I ate right at the plate, not warming it. After I was done; I picked up my car keys, and took off the house.

As I was driving; I can feel the quietness of the room, and how lonely it is right at this second. I swear if she's here right now, we'd both be laughing about god knows what. I just realize that I have a little bit of memory of her. I remember about the ring, and how I never gave it back.

I pulled the ring out of the box, and examine it. Again the one that stuck out to me the most was what's written inside. I still don't get who "E" supposed to be. Is it supposed to be me? for all I know she probably knows lots of people whose name starts out with "E"

I glance back at the road, and slid the ring inside my pocket. There, I continued driving.


As I arrive work; my assistant Natalie is already waiting for me in the lobby. Good thing that she's here, or else she'll be fired.

"Talk." I demanded her, as she handed me a starbucks coffee.

"Meeting with the Johnsons around 9:30, and an hour from that meeting you'll have one and one meeting with Mr. Hawthorne for about half hour; maybe a little longer, and after that meeting you'll have 2-3 hours to prepare for the meeting with the Scotts Inc. That would be it for the day I believe. I'll let you know if there's anything tha gets added to the list." She ended with a sigh.

"Okay." I responded, before parting ways with her. She goes to her space, and I'll go to mine.

I settled the rest of my stuff aside, and my coffee at the table next to my laptop. After turning on my laptop, I went straight to the email.

I scrolled, and notice something in bright yellow; meaning that it's significant. I clicked it open; having my eyes widening as I get an email from Katy's Team.

We would like to inform the Anderson Inc. that we would not be continuing the 2 year contract of sponsorship. A meeting with my Team and yours as been scheduled today at noon.


I glance at the clock, seeing that it's half hour until noon. Then, there's a sudden knock at the door.

"You may enter." I sighed, as I remembered every word of that mail.

"Sir I--."

"Why didn't you tell me that the her team is canceling on us, and that we're having a meeting today at noon?"

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