Chapter XXV- Heart Attack

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Chapter XXV- Heart Attack

-Ethan's POV-

The 3 days was nothing, but a boring days. Now, that I'm out, I have to settle things with Katy. I just cannot believe that she lied to me about everything.

I thought that I can trust her, but she was just lying to me.

"Babe, I'll be quick." I shouted at Norma, who's upstairs.

"Where are you going?" She shouted back.

"I need to settle things with her today, so I don't have to think about it later on."

"Okay, be back quick so we can arrive there before sun down okay?"

"Got it."

I walked into the driveway, and got inside my car. I started the car, and head off.

As I was driving in the freeway, I couldn't stop thinking about he she lied to me. I believed her with all my might, but she just lied to me. I should've never trusted her.

See this is what you get for trusting people. When you think that they can be trusted, that's when they stab you in the back, and lie to you.

-Katy's POV-

"Tam, I think it worked." I said to her happily.

"What worked?" She raised her eyebrow.

"The food that I made him last three days ago."

"That's great." Tam pinched my cheeks, "is that why he called you to meet him up by that place where the carnival is?"

I nodded, picking up my keys, and my cardigan sweater.

"Good luck." Angela said, "hope you come home happy."

"I think I will." I stopped, "I can feel it."

"Well, hurry don't make him wait." Tam pushed me out of my doorstep.

I laughed my way inside my car. I did the usual starting, and all that stuff, and head off my driveway.

I parked my car, and walked my way to the bench. I see him standing by the railing, holding it with both of his out.

A smile started reappearing on my face, as I walk towards him. When I finally made to his side, he turned to me.

"Hey, I'm glad that you're okay." I started, "I'm sorry that I hurt you."

"Don't apologize." Ethan said.

"So, how's your head?" I chuckled, "does it stills ache?"

"No, I'm fine. You don't have to care anymore for me." Ethan glance at me, "I don't need you to feel pity for me."

"Wait, what?" I asked, very confusingly, "what's going on?"

"You tell me." He asked, bluntly.


"Oh, come on." Ethan smirked, "why don't you just drop the act, and tell me the whole truth, and stop lying right straight to my face."

"I have no idea what you're talking about." I started to panic.

"Why are you bullshitting me right now Huh?" Ethan turned, and faced me, "stop lying to me Miss Perry."

"I don't know you're taking about."

"You were just lying to me about everything."


"All the things you've said to me; about remembering someone." Ethan started, "it wasn't you, it was Norma."

"What?!" I said unbelievably, "it's me, Norma is lying."

"Stop breaking us apart." Ethan said, settling both of his hands on my shoulder, "whatever you say is just a lie. You're a lie."

"Ethan, I'm not lying about anything." I started to cry, "I'm telling you the truth."

"Goodbye Miss Perry." Ethan said, as he started to walk away.

I stood there; shock, with a lot f pain against my chest. I'm not gonna let him go, not again. I ran to him, and wrapped my arms around his waist.

"Please listen to me." I begged, "I'm not lying to you. I love you."

"Get your hands off of me." He harshly pushed off my hands, and started walking away from me.

I fell down to the ground, and cried.

(At Home)

I knocked on the door, when a couple of seconds later; Tamra opens the door.

"Katy, what happened?" Tamra asked, "why are you crying?"

"It's Norma." I started, "Norma must've said something to Ethan that made him hate me again." I cried, as I sat down on the couch.

"That's bullshit." John said, "all this time Katy he's just playing with you. He's just using Norma as an excuse to make himself look innocent."

"John.." Angela said, "we don't know that exactly."

"We don't have to know anything Ange." John said, frowning, "you're totally missing out that Ethan just bullshitted Katy."

"What am I supposed to do now?" I asked, as I cried harder.

"I don't know Katy, I don't know." John said, brining me up in front of him, "but I do know one thing, and that is; I'm never gonna let you hurt him again." He pulled me into a hug.

I never felt this comfortable around him. John's arms felt like home.


A/N; sorry for such a short chap, hope you enjoyed it though.

#QOTD; Do you hate Ethan for believing Norma?

#SOTD; Sun Burn by Ed Sheeran

(You guys should listen to it, it's freaking amazing)

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