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Chapter VIII- Getting On His Good Side.

-Ethan's POV-

I was tied up somewhere dark, and abandoned. I heard voices, and there was someone crying. I can hear it fine, like the crying was right across from me.

I was kneeling down the ground, and there was this aching pain all over my body. I felt blood dripping on my forehead, like I was beaten up badly.

There was people around me, and right across from me was a girl. Definitely the one that's crying. I couldn't see her face, and the other people that's around me. It was all blurred, and their voices was distorted.

She kept repeating my name. Over and over. There's this huge amount of worry in her tone of voice. I could tell that I was hurt pretty bad. This has to be dream, that I can't seem to get out of. But, the weird thing about this, is that I don't remember happening.

Whoever this girl is, she seems pretty hurt that I was in this position. She was begging. Begging for them to stop. I couldn't take being in this dream anymore. It's like the pain that I'm feeling in this dream is real.

I squinted my eyes tightly; hoping that I would soon get out of it. But, I couldn't.

"No!" I shouted, as I woke up sweating. I manage to catch my breath.

"Babe, are you okay?" Norma asked, worriedly as she run her hand into my hair, "did you have the dream again?"

I nodded. I'm still confuse on what's this dream about. I've been having it lately. At first I thought that it'll pass, but ever since then it kept coming through every single day. What could this possibly mean, and who was that girl in my dream?

"Maybe we should go visit Dr. Bob tomorrow?" Norma suggested. I know that I've been having it lately, but I don't think I need to go the doctor to explain what's it about.

"No need to, it's just a bad dream. It'll blow over soon. Let's just go back to sleep." I said, as I pecked her forehead.

I wrapped my arms around the back of her neck, as she leaned her head on to my chest. As I was stroking her hair, I can't help but to think about my dream. It has to mean something. Like it's trying to tell me something I can't figure out.

Whatever it is, it's probably not important.


-Katy's POV-

As I was shoving all the things that I'll need for later inside my black Nike duffle bag, there was this picture that fell near the my side desk. I picked it up slowly, seeing Ethan and I together.

God knows how much I miss this Ethan, but I don't know if he'll ever come back. I flickered his face, and laughed.

"Please come back weirdo." I smiled, folding the paper in half, putting it inside my wallet.

I promise myself that one day, if he ever comes back, that'll be the day I'll tell him how much he means to me. I never loved anybody as much as I love him.

All done. All the things that I need to pack, all inside my duffle bag. A car was honkering non stop for about almost five minutes. Patient in that guy these days.

I wrapped the strap around my shoulder, as I turned off the light in my room. See you in a few weeks.

I sprinted downstairs, hoping that he's not gonna be pissed of me for being a minute late. As soon as I got outside, there he was standing.

"About time." Ethan sighed, getting inside the car. I walked slowly looking if there's any car coming across.

I opened the car door, seeing the same girl he was with a week ago. At the restaurant that stabbed me in heart. I can already tell that this is gonna hurt. I took a seat next to her, and settled my duffle bag in front of me.

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