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MARLENE MCKINNON AND JAMES Potter were both trying to come up with some agreement as to the incident from yesterday. Siobhán was just observing the two bickering about how it was needed and whatnot.

"So you're telling me I need to kiss you?" she gave them a dumbfounded tone. James rolled his eyes at the oblivious question.

"Yes!" he blurted. "I can't let anyone thinking Siobhàn and I are dating when it's most certainly not true."

"Everyone already thinks you two are dating." she brushed her fingers over her lips. "It wouldn't even matter if they think that now more than ever."

"She does have a point." Siobhán put forth. "No matter how many times we tell them that we aren't in a relationship they never understand."

James played with the chess pieces on the table as he thought. The table they were sitting at had books after books piled up on one side. On the other, there were loose papers, quills, and ink bottles. The centerpiece indeed was the chess game. Pieces were sprawled all over the table as Siobhán and James had been playing before this conversation with Marlene.

"This could clear it up." he set the chess piece straight. "Kissing Marlene would make everything much better for both of us."

"For your information Potter, everyone would think that we're dating." Marlene side-eyed him. He sighed, running a hand through his hair as the frustration was getting more and more agitating.

"Look, just kiss me once and I'll buy you anything." he let out in his moment of frustration. Her jaw was agape as she heard the words coming from James' mouth. 

"That feels wrong," she muttered. "I don't like the idea but I'll do it for Siobhán. If that's what you both want."

Siobhán glanced over at James who seemed much more relaxed after Marlene had told him the wonderful news. He gazed over at Siobhán with a huge smile. She thought he looked delightful when he was enthusiastic about something.

"Thank you, thank you!" he jumped out of his seat, taking his jumper off in a swift move. Handing his jumper to her, Marlene scrunched it into a ball. She furrowed her eyebrows at the random object in front of her. "Put it on so people think that it's real," he commented, playing with his pinky.

"Isn't it a bit extra?" she implied. James shook his head, glancing over at Siobhán who just shrugged her shoulders.

"No, I don't think it is." James tilted his in confusion. For his plan to work, Siobhán would enter the great hall alone and go sit at the Gryffindor table. Marlene would follow closely behind, and before they knew it — boom, he would kiss Marlene and everyone would be fooled. Simple as can be.

"Fine, fine." she put her hand up and started shaking it frantically. "Let's just go to the great hall and get this thing over with." she slid the jumper over her body and stood up. Siobhán was the first one to leave. Everything would go as plan, that's what James wanted the most.


Eggs, toast, bacon, fruits, plates, and long tables filled with students dressed in green, yellow, red, and blue robes were all you could see in the great hall. One particular section that was the main attraction for all the students was the table dressed in red. There was a rumor that a girl from that table was dating one of the most popular boys in the entirety of Hogwarts, and today they would find out if it was true or not.

Siobhán Parten walked into the great hall, her robes swishing behind her. Whispers after whispers erupted as she stepped forward. Her hair was nicely tucked behind her ears as she gazed around at the four tables in front of her. Deceiving stares were shot at her as she awkwardly went to sit down. Utensils started clinking against each other as the students began to eat again.

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