promotion, from boss | trevante rhodes.

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"EMPLOYEE HEAVEN FRANCIS, PLEASE COME to my office." Everyone looked at Heaven in surprise, as she was too.
Was she in trouble? Did she do something wrong?

Heaven took a breath before standing up to go to the elevator. She clicked floor 10, nervous for the outcome of this visit.
Especially knowing how her boss is.
Heaven's boss wasn't exactly known well for his personality.

He was rude and straightfoward with everything. And anytime his employees tried to interact with him, he'd shut them off by saying "Get back to work."
And it always seemed like he didn't trust everything—like he would check for things even after they said they did.
Heaven never understood why he was like so but always kept it at no questions.
But no doubt about how gorgeous he was.
His skin was the color of the finest dark chocolate while his lips were full and smooth looking. To top it off, he had the whitest straight teeth. Heaven had never seen him smile but she knew—he had a beautiful one.

To admit, if his personality was different, she would have a small crush on him. But her shyness would've never helped her talk to him. Also, it's her boss.
When the elevator stopped, Heaven headed to his large, see-through office.
She nervously did 3 knocks on his glass door.
"Come in!" His deep voice shouted.
Heaven entered the room, "H-Hi Mr. Rhodes." She greeted.
"Hello Ms. Francis.." He firmly greeted setting the papers he had in his hands aside and folding them. "Please sit."
Heaven sat in the first cushy chair that she saw. These are pretty comfy. She thought to herself.

"I know you're probably.. wondering why I called you in here today." He said starting the subject.
"Y-Yes I am." She nodded, her anixety going up farther by the second.
"Well don't worry it's actually—good news."
Heaven raised a eyebrow, waiting for him to continue.
"I know how you've been wanting a promotion and I actually have a spot for you."
Heaven started smiling, "R-Really?"
"Yes, really. I would like you to be my assistant." He offered.
She started doing spin arounds in her brain, happily accepting the offer.
"Now—I have to lay down a few rules about being my assistant."
Heaven nodded.
"First, don't come into my office unless I.." Mr. Rhodes started telling the list but Heaven was too busy paying attention to his beautiful appearance to even listen to what he was saying.
Jesus help me now..
"Are you listening Heaven?" He asked taking her out of the daze.
She looked up at him and nodding, hoping he didn't notice her zone out.

"Then what did I say?"
Nope, he did.
"U-Um—Leave filled out papers on your desk only between 10 AM and 10 PM."
Mr. Rhodes nodded. "Correct. Now, you're starting tomorrow. Gather all your things and your new office will be the first door on the left."
Knowing tomorrow is her day off and there was a charity event she wanted to go to, Heaven didn't know if she would be able.

"But sir, tomorrow is my day o-"
"Do you want the job or not?" Mr. Rhodes raised his eyebrow.
Heaven looked down, sighing. "Yes I do Mr. Rhodes."
"Great. Starting bringing your things up here."

2 weeks in—5:00 PM.
This job really isn't that bad. Heaven thought to herself as she finished a call. Except he expects me to know & get everything.
"Heaven, come to my office." He ordered into the line. She sighed before walking to his office with curiosity.
"Yes sir?" She softly asked.

He looked up at her before handing her a paper—a list.
Heaven looked at it then looked back at him. "Do you want me to go get all this?"
"Yes all in a hour." He said like it was possible.
She looked at him with wide eyes, "Mr. Rhodes there's like 20 items on this list and some are in different sto-"
"Which is gonna cost more your paycheck or these items?"
Heaven scoffed. "To this point I don't know! I am so tired of you being mean to me! I don't know who or what made you it but you don't have to bring it out on other people!" She ranted off on something a lot of employees having been wanting to say for some, years now.
"You know what—I'll go get your stuff and then when I come back, I'm quiting!" She said smartly. Heaven stomped away—mumbling before 'Rhodes could speak.

He looked at her walk away, smirking.
I knew I could get her out her shell.

7:30 PM.
Heaven laid her photos of her parents & siblings in the box. She thought about the way she acted and how much she needed this job.
You're so fucking stupid! Why would you do that Heaven?! She thought to herself about the dumb rant she did.
"Let's hope I can fix this.." She uttered, walking to his office.
Heaven knocked on the door,
"Come in.."
She peeked her head in the door, "H-Hi Mr. Rhodes.."
He looked away from his computer, "Back to visit the mean & cranky huh?"
Heaven looked down, "I'm really sorry about that. It was out of line and very mean.. Is there anything I could do to keep this job?" She said hopefully.

There was a silence before he said, "My divorce."
Heaven gave him a confused look, "Your divorce?"
"I was married 3 years ago. And while I was, I had this suspicion my wife was cheating on me. When I asked her about it she denied it, of course. About a month later.. I came home a little earlier and uh.. yeah. Found out she had been cheating on me for months." He cleared his throat, shifting in his chair.
Heaven stared at him with a astonished look, "I- wow.. Mr. Rhodes I'm so-"
"Call me Terrence."
"Ok—Terrence. I'm really sorry that happened to you.. I couldn't imagine somebody cheating on such a fine man." She blushed, complimenting.
Terrence smirked, turning into a smile. Something he hasn't done in a while.
Gorgeous, as I predicted. Heaven thought to herself.
"Then how about you let this fine man," He got up from his chair, walking towards her.
"—take this beautiful woman.. out on a date?"
Heaven fiddled with her fingers, "I wouldn't mind that."

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