Chapter 30-valentine disasters

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We've just arrived at the school after that long annoying ride.

Jay and Jasper kept bickering and when it became too awkward, Dec was there to start telling his jokes all except him found it not funny.

Jay's date happen to be a very nice shy girl.
She was very beautiful.
With her very shiny black hair and forest green eyes.

Those eyes.

They put my ocean blue eyes to shame.

I found it adorable that anytime someone asks her something, she blushes before answering.

But Jay's eyes were not on her, it was on me.

Sometimes he stares so long and it gets really hard for me to not curse him.

He has a date for goodness sake.

And since when did he turn a pervert?

Dec's date happen to be Aiden's friend sister. The one Dec dared to talk about his sister.

She was just like dec

Wearing goofy smile all the while and making everyone laugh.

And may I tell you that are jokes are better than dec?
She was very pretty and hot like Dec said she was.

Well back to the present

Jasper went out of the car and came to open my side of the door.

He gave me his hand to hold while he gently lifted me off the car.


"You're welcome my lady"

Everyone else soon filed out of the car

All of them holding hands- let me rephrase that.
Jeff and Vicky were holding hands and smiling cause of something Jeff said.

Jay and Julie were talking about something with the forever blush on her face.

So cute.

Jay eyes caught mine and he put his hands around her shoulder and whispered something in her ear making her giggle.

Show off.

Dec and Sonia are skipping away to heaven knows where singing to joker's song- you know, the one joker and Holly sang together.

"Hey, should we stay for the pictures"

"If you'd like to"

"Let's go"

The truth is that I hate taking photos.
Not because I don't like them, it's because of the stress that comes with taking a photo.
Plastering on forced smile with the camera man or woman or whoever telling you;
"Hold hands my dear"
"Tilt your head to the left dear"
"Hug dear"
"Do the mirror style, okay" and so on

We posed and posed and posed thank goodness the man behind the camera didn't tell us what and what not to do till-

"You guys are standing too far, mind going closer"

"We dont mind at all" he said and I gave him a little glare, he just winked in return

He came close to me, very close may I add.

The man took the picture

"Try doing something romantic"

Someone coughed

It was Jay.

Jasper just ignored him and place his arms around my waist and pushed me into him, so we were chest to chest.

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