Chapter 11

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Soon enough we arrived at a door. Boy, was it easy.

My legs feels like jelly at the moment.

"So, this is where you would be staying"Alex said

"So,are we just going to stand here or go inside" I asked

"No, we are going to stay here in this hallway, we are going to do everything here, we are going to bathe here, we are going to eat here, everything humanly possible will happen here, I better start packing" Dylan said with all seriousness

"What he means by that is, we are going inside right now" Alex said opening the door

Jaw, don't u dare drop
Pls don't dro-
Ugh, too late, it's already on the floor

This place is just, just so…magical

"What is this place?" I asked
The place was huge, I had expected to see a room with like five to six beds but I came in contact with another house inside a house .
We were currently in the living room.
It had a big chandelier that reflected gold and white light, four sofas all arranged to face each other and a rectangular  see through glass table at the middle separating all four of the sofas.
The sofas were white in colour all each sofa had a different colour of cushion.
One had a royal blue, the second one had a deep red, the third one had black and the last one, actually there wasn't any cushion there.
Then over to the walls, they were painted white and I could see the dinning and kitchen area from here.

There were staircase that led upstairs
Everything here was spotless.
It's like a brand new house
Even to the last spoon in the kitchen was spotless.
It was absolutely beautiful.

"An apartment where people leave. These are walls, those are sofas, that over there is a table, those rectangular short things that has colour are books and those at the back of that-" Dylan said before I cut him off

"I know what they are you idio-" I refrained from insulting him because he is my boss's brother
"I mean sir" I completed

"So, they Are not home" Declan said
Who is they?
Oh, I forgot I had housemates
"Are you blind or do you need these glasses" Dylan said taking off his glasses that I didn't know he was wearing. No, actually, he hasn't been wearing those.
Where did it come from?

"Where did those glasses even come from" Declan asked

"I just wish for them to appear, simple. Abracadabra" he said

Declan was about to say something before Alex interrupted.

"Let's take you to your room now" he said.
And I just nodded and he led us upstairs.

"See, there are things called room , they are like a space or an area meant for someone or something to occupy, and you are going to be staying in one dear sis." Dylan said

He doesn't even know if I'm his sister or not.
What will he do if I'm not really their sister?
Poor boy will be left heart broken.

"I know what a room is sir" I said

"Please stop acting so formal.
My name is Dylan. Do you even know what a name is? Well, if you don't know, a name is what someone bears when given birth to. And that person will be called that for the rest of his/her life. Understood?" Dylan said and I raised an eyebrow at him.
This boy can go off topic.

"Ok Dylan" I said not in the mood for more conversations.

"You are no fun, just like these stone heads in front of me. I would say stone hearts but they are are soft sometimes which is impossible for a stone. I actually tried cooking a rock for 3yrs straight but it did not even get soft, not even a little and I also-" Dylan said but I tuned him off.
He was already giving me a headache.
Who is idiotic enough to cook a rock much less for 3yrs straight.

Who was even paying the bill.
And who let him cook a stone?

We passed by different rooms while going to mine.

The first one we passed was just a simple white door with golden handles, and the name JAY was carved on it,, then the  second one was also a white door with golden handles but it had different emojis on it, and the name LORD DECLAN THE GREAT was carved on the door, and at the bottom, it says "no Jeffrey allowed in this sacred territory", I just smiled as I walked by the door, then we passed the third one , the same white and golden, just that the name JEFFREY was sprayed on it with what looked like a spray paint. Each letter had a different colour
Then we came in contact with the fourth door, no design just a door, I frowned a bit.

"Ok, we are here" Alex said about to open the door.

I guess I will be doing decorations too

"WAIT" Dylan shouted and the three of us turned to him

"What" we all said

"Let Anna here do the honors of opening the door" Dylan said.

Simultaneously, we all rolled our eyes.

Declan just went to the door, turned the knob and opened it.
Then turned to Dylan and smirked.
While Dylan stood there dramatically crying out his soul.
Then he feel to his knees muttering something about not honouring a family tradition.
We three left him there to mourn while we all entered my room.

There is no word left to say.
The room was huge, it was painted a royal blue and white colour.
It had a kind size bed and a walk in close that was filled with nothing.
The room had a great view of the city and I could see that I'm 24feets off the ground.
Seriously, where am I?

"So this is my room?" I asked not that I didn't know

"No, absolutely no. This is where we are going to be rearing the pigs." Dylan said.

When did he even stop crying?

"Yes, and your house mates will be here soon, after I give them 'the talk' at my office" Alex said

I did not have the strength to ask what he meant by "the talk", all I wanted to do was rest.

They started telling me about what to do and what not to do, blah blah blah blah blah.
Then they said, they'll be back tomorrow for the DNA test blah blah blah blah blah, then they said their goodbyes, actually only two of them said it. The other one was clinging to me for dear life.
He wouldn't let go. He was practically dragged out of my room and I could still his screams of disapproval and them a door getting shut.
I was just so tired, I needed to sleep.
Wait, I forgot my medicines.
Well who cares, not like I would take them anyways. I deeply hate medicines.
The moment I laid on my bed, I was out like a light.

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