Chapter 33

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This chapter is dedicated to all of you guys who have voted, commented and shared.
You all mean a lot to me.
Thank you for all your help and support throughout the way.
Without your votes, I wouldn't have found motivation to write this, so thank you very much once again.

Dec shouted as he pushed me through the school hallway.

Dec is currently my assigned Wheeler.
I can wheel myself, but my stubborn brothers won't let me.

It's been two weeks since the accident and I've recovered fully- well mostly

My swollen body had gone back to it's original size, but my legs are still weak and lazy to walk for unknown reasons. So doctor Ian put me in a wheel chair for two weeks.

Dylan recovered a week before

He only suffered minor injuries thank God.

Now I'm back at school with this monstrous friend of mine wheeling me at hyper speed.

He made sure to design my wheelchair this morning against my knowledge and he even attached two seat belt to the wheel chair.
At first, I was confused as to why, but now, I cannot be more grateful for it.

If the seatbelts weren't here, I would have flown off the wheelchair by now.

We crashed into two persons already because of Dec maniac wheeling skills.

"Dec, slow down"

It is currently lunch break and we are obviously headed to the cafeteria.

"How can I slow down, we have to get those hotdogs before it gets finished"

"I don't like hotdogs"

He gasped and pushed even more faster

"Well then, you'll be stuck with those weird meats they always sell"

"I'm sure my brothers will keep something for me"

"Yay, lucky you" he said with too much enthusiasm

"Dec, slow down. For real this time"

"Why? Are u afr- oh"

We were already close to the cafeteria doors and it was closed.

We were 5 seconds away from crashing against that door and my legs were going to take all the impacts.






At the last seconds someone opened the door and a major accident Happened.

Only two people survived the accident.

The one who had a seatbelt on only suffered minor injuries as her feet only collided with the third party.

We are sure an ice pack can numb the pain.

The third party, that is the one who opened the door, due to the impact of the girl's wheelchair and legs, had been knocked down hard.
His body rolled about three times before his head collided with a plastic table filled with trash i.e left over food causing all it's contents to spill on the boys head.
Now only the boys body could be seen.

The second party, sadly didn't survive.
He was the one pushing the wheelchair at turbo speed and by the abrupt stop of the wheelchair his stomach hit the handle of the wheelchair causing pain to erupt from his stomach rendering him weak and unable to breathe.
He fell on the floor and his head hit the cafeteria's floor.
The sound of the impact of his head hitting the floor echoed through out the now silent cafeteria.

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