Chapter Two

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A sigh of contentment escaped me as I glanced around the dining room of the House of Wind. After 50 long years apart, I was finally surrounded by my family once more.

I wasn't whole, not by a long shot, but I was home.

Under the Mountain had made the Court of Nightmares look tame, and I knew I wouldn't forget the horrors I'd experienced anytime soon.

Still, my people were safe and I was free, and I was home.

As disgusting as it had been stooping to sleep with the vile creature who'd fashioned herself the High Queen of Prythian, once I'd confirmed her spell would break with her death - which had taken far too long to discover - it had allowed me to distract her enough that I was able to rip out her heart.

She hadn't even seen it coming.

Unfortunately, since Hybern hadn't made a move to leash his general during those long years, I knew our troubles were far from over. But I'd worry about that later, for now -

Now I would bask in the quiet joy that suffused the room as I ate dinner with my Inner Circle. I surveyed my family fondly as Amren and Cassian bickered across the table, Mor guzzling wine as she tried to ignore them, and Azriel watched it all quietly, a soft smile tugging at the corner of his mouth.

The moment of peace was shattered as a tremor rocked through the house, and I felt a scorching pulse of power spear through my wards - right at the center of the city.

Instantly, I shot to my feet, cries of alarm following me as I raced towards the nearest balcony. I looked around wildly, terror beating at my chest as I tried to discern what new enemy threatened my people.

The starry night was still calm over Velaris, the streets quiet and dotted with city lights that sparkled in imitation of the sky above them. Everything appeared peaceful, as lovely and protected as ever. My court stormed out behind me, fearfully examining the territory below us.

I nearly relaxed, thinking it must have been a trick of my mind - after spending so long on guard, everything was a threat.

But then I saw it.

A slight form sliced through the air, a flash of blonde hair streaming behind her as she plummeted through the sky at an unearthly speed - plunging into the Sidra almost before I could blink.

A shattering crack echoed through my city as the body made impact with the glassy surface.

"What the fuck?" Cassian murmured.

Something tugged at my center, and without conscious thought I unfurled my wings, launching off the balcony towards where the being had fallen into the water. I barely noticed Cassian and Azriel taking off after me, growing increasingly concerned when the small figure did not resurface.

Wind rushed past my ears, my heart pounding with each beat of my wings. I flew swiftly, banking hard above the river as I scanned it - a startling desperation rising as I scanned for that shock of golden hair. I didn't know who or what she was, but too much time underwater wasn't sustainable for most beings.

I tried not to think about the damage she may have sustained from that initial, brutal impact.

Finally, I found her - her small body floating into the depths of the river, being tugged along gently by the current.

Without a second thought, I vanished my wings, diving into the icy water. The frigid waves wrapped around me as I kicked towards her. Her eyes were shut, tendrils of hair wafting around her face - alluring despite her precarious situation.

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