Chapter Forty Four

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It had been an age since I'd worn this much steel. Blades were strapped all over me, hidden in my boots, inside pockets, a clever dagger was disguised as a pin in my hair. My own set of Illyrian blades were crossed at my back.

Standing in the House of Wind, I took in the space around me, so full of memories and overwhelming happiness despite my short time spent here. It seems like it had only been yesterday when I'd crash-landed into this Court. Just hours since I'd bonded with my mates. And yet, a lifetime of joy had occurred since that first, fated meeting - more than I ever would have dreamed of experiencing.

And now, my mates stood beside me, Rhysand, Cassian, Azriel and Rowan. My loves, my partners. Males who had seen past my hardened exterior, past my broken and withering soul, and somehow seen something worthy. Males who would have been my Kings in another life.

The four of them stood beside Mor, already armed and decked out in the scale-like armor. All of us too quiet, the magnitude of our task a heavy weight on us all.

Amren is watching us with those bottomless orbs, set to remain behind as the last defense of Velaris. A city that would never again see bloodshed, if I had anything to say about it. "The King of Hybern is old, very old. Do not linger," she instructed us.

A voice near my chest whispered, Hello lovely, lying World-Welder.

The two halves of the Book of Breathings were tucked into separate pockets, mocking me with their cruel and clever words. In one of them, the spell I would need was written out clearly - despite the fact I'd already memorized it.

"We'll be back before you have a chance to miss us," Rhys said to his second. "Guard Velaris well."

Amren studied me, eyes roving from the firm set of my feet to the copious weapons adorning my person. "You know what to do," she stated. "May the Cauldron be with you, Firebringer."

I nodded, a thousand words passing between us, unsaid.

I turned to Mor, whose arms were out to winnow me. Cassian would winnow with Rhys while Azriel took Rowan, Rowan and Rhys to be dropped off a few miles from the coast before my Illyrians found Mor and me seconds later.

Before I could move into Mor's arms, Rowan and Rhys stepped forward, faces tense. Darting forward, I pecked them both softly on the lips. I knew they were worried, tension clear as I locked gazes with Rhys.

"I'll be fine - we'll all be fine." I love you, I purred over our bond.

Only you, my Goddess.

His gaze went to Cass and Az, who nodded solemnly. I knew they would protect me with their lives.

Finally, I locked eyes with Rowan, my trainer, my first mate. To whatever end, Fireheart. Let's go rattle the stars.

My lips quirked up into a grin, and I had to blink away the tears that threatened. To whatever end, Buzzard.

I moved into Mor's arms, and she met Rhys's gaze over my shoulder. She nodded to him, "I know my orders."

She gripped my hand, and we were gone.

Gone - and plunging through the open air, the night-dark sea rising us to meet us -

Then warm arms caged my chest, pulling me tight against a broad body. "Easy," Cassian said, banking right. He held me securely, as if I would disappear from his grasp like the mist from the sea. There was no sign or glimmer of Rhys or Rowan, and I only caught a glance of Mor as she winnowed away again into nothing.

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