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In the beginning, they tried to kill him, he overcame them, again, the evil king tried to beat him but he was smarter than smarter. The evil king tried to rule the KING with earthly things. But since HOLINESS and RIGHTEOUSNESS and JUSTICE are the foundation of his throne, he defeated the evil. The evil king tried to dethrone the KING, but he Forgot he's the KING who Enthrones and Dethrone Kings. He can't be dethroned by anyone and anything. He's forever blameless to be blamed. Don't forget, he came to upright the unrighteous. He came to sweep the paths to be clean so that his people can walk through that path without any harm and being dirty. He is a KING who came to serve and not to be served. His words are, REPENT and follow where he leads and what he does.


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