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                         Beloved, I will love it if you communicate with me always. If I say you should pray. I mean communicate with me constantly in other to shame the devil, to protect you from the hands of the enemy. Prayer is a communication, there must be talking and hearing, without this, check your lifestyle. I don't rush in doing things, but let me see your seriousness and determination like Zaccheus. Pray to me without season, never give up in praying. Pray continually and one day will be a surprise for you (1-8). From now on, change your prayer topic. Some pray in an arrogant way, you pray in an unfaithful way thinking I'm your classmate and at the same time better than others. Once again, humbleness is a great gain before your KING (9-14). Check the attribute, the attitude of a little child. If you don't behave like a little child, you can't receive me (15-17). You can't follow me if you don't sacrifice yourself for my sake (18-23). Some earthly rich people believe my kingdom is like their wealth and riches but they have forgotten money is the root of all evil. They feel exalted, forgotten they are under me. They hardly pray to me because they give orders to other pastors to pray for them. With this attitude, it will be hard for them to enter my kingdom (24-27). The importance of sacrificing yourself for my sake is eternal life (28-30). This is a remembrance of what I said in Mathew and Mark. This is how they will treat me and this is what will happen after that treatment. That is my third Baptism. All these will happen for your sake. Don't forget (John 3:16). (31-34). As for healings, I will not talk about it. Seek me and you will find, and you will be saved.

Thank you and stay bless.

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