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                      Peace is unto you my lovely followers, I'm the KING full of holiness where the Holy Spirit dwells in me and I also dwell in the Holy Spirit. The word is 'HOLY'. No other spirit can stand before me. The Holy Spirit is above all spirits. So believe me (1-13) and don't forget this verse number '8'. What I want to tell you is, I am the word, the word of GOD. The words written in the Bible are me and about me. See the proof of it (17-21). Don't harden your heart, my followers, just believe me with all your heart. See this, even the devil and bad spirit are afraid of me. They are scared of me (31-37). If you live in me, I will live in you, and if I live in you all bad spirit will run away from you says your KING OF KINGS. I love you my followers and I don't want anything bad to happen to you. Now, I'm calling you to come to me, don't harden your heart. I will never forsake you not leave you if you turn to me. As for healings, I have a wing called the healing wings. It will be a bonus for you if you live under my will. What else do you want? Well to move on, let me move to other followers and tell them what I just told you so that they also can believe me. I'm NOT A PARTIAL KING, I GIVE TO ALL. verse (43).

Thank you and stay bless.

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