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                      I came to give you a new life, a new beginning, accept this new life by turning from your old ways. If you don't accept this new life you will perish (1-5). My father in heaven created you to sprinkle his image and likeness so that through that all of your offspring will be full of his image and likeness. You are the tree, RIGHTEOUSNESS, and HOLINESS is the FRUIT but if you don't bear this FRUIT, I will cut it down, meaning you will perish. I was the one who put you in the vineyard(earth) and verse number '8' shows how patience and mercy I have for you. It shows I have giving you time to repent, a time to live a holy life. So start now, because if you don't, you will perish (6-9). My work on this earth does not exclude sabbath day so follow my steps(10-17). If you take me (your KING) into your heart, you will bear more FRUITS, FRUITS OF RIGHTEOUSNESS, AND HOLINESS to the extent of benefiting others because RIGHTEOUSNESS AND JUSTICE are the foundation of my throne (18-21). Once again, RIGHTEOUSNESS SAVES, Obeying me your KING will save you (22-27). I did not come to have fear for a man I brought into existence (31-32). Ooh city of peace, how I wanted to see you and help you but you did not accept me, you rejected me and for that sake, your enemies will worry you and you will not see me till the day I return. Take care therefore and stand firm for I'm still with you.

Thank you and stay bless.

THE GOSPEL BRIEF. Onde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora