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         My father created heaven and earth and gave you things to care of. But the question is how did Adam and Eve handle it? They handle it with disobedience. Now, as a manager, I gave you things to take of, to manage for me. But in my research, I heard you are wasting the things I gave you, and because of that I decided you give an account of what I gave you. Because of your disobedience and wastage, you decided to lie to me in such a way that I will not consider you as a bad manager. Indeed you lied wisely, you have decorated lies to make lies seem nice. Now listen to me my lovely followers, I, your KING is the rich man. I gave you the godly things to take care of. But you wasted it and decided to use worldly things to please me because I ask for accountability. Lay your treasure in heaven (1-8). I will admit you if you make faithful use of the gifts and grace i give but he who does not make faithful use of what he has received from me has no reason to hope for eternal Felicity(9-11). Take this advice into consideration and take care of yourself (14-31).

Thank you very much.

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