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                         The great news is that JESUS CHRIST is the KING. My house will call the house of prayer so stop buying and selling in my house says the LORD. See, some of you are using the house of GOD illegally. You use it in a way to benefit you, to suit you and the rest. Some of you have turned the house of GOD upside down to be the house of the market. Now, if you have forgotten I'm remembering you, my fellow followers, see 1 CORINTHIANS 6:19-20. "Your body is the temple of God". To make a comparison of what the KING said and the text is CORINTHIANS. Then I believe there's a question to ask. (Why do you sell your body to things the KING dislikes and buy things to your body the KING dislikes.?) If the house is a house of prayer then the body must also be a body of prayer and HOLINESS. See verse (12-17). Again, if harlots or prostitutes, and tax collectors are leading the way to the kingdom of God, then I believe obedience in faith and action must be your first remedy and your daily meal. See verse (28-32). Your position and possessions and who you are do not matter to the KING. OBEDIENCE IN FAITH AND ACTION TO ME(KING) IS WHAT MATTERS. Remember, the prostitutes and the tax collector are leading, be wise and don't fall behind.

Thank you.

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