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                Listen, sometimes I don't know how to describe this teacher of the law and these chief priests. Just don't copy their ways, my fellow followers. Some will come like Pastors, evangelists, apostles, prophets, and more but never copy them. They know the proper BAPTISM but they have decided not to practice it. They tried to challenge me thinking I'm like them. What I want to tell you is, what I did was the rightful BAPTISM so follow my steps (1-8). My father sent many Prophets, Evangelist, Apostles, and Pastor to tell you to repent from your ways but rejected them and killed them. He sent his only son(your KING). You killed me too. So what do you expect my father in heaven to treat you? This verse is about. If you reject me, you will die (17-18) but verse (9-19) is all about me. Impersonating to be righteous is something that needs to be check. Is of no use. Is not the way to me. It's a hell of practice. Well, I would like to give an assignment for you to answer in the comment. 'Can you list some of the things that belong to God my father in heaven?' (20-26). Those who live for marriage's sake, that is not the way to me for even what you are focusing on is not in my KINGDOM. Don't forget what u told you in (Mathew 6:33). (27-40). To go back a little modicum, I said something in (Mathew 22) about the verse (41-44). They have the face of an angel but full of wickedness inside them. Be wise about them (45-47).

Thank you and stay bless.

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