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                           God everything, KING of everything. Nothing can be hidden from me, I'm the beginning and the end and I know the beginning from the end. I knew what happening, I knew what was about to come and what will happen. For you to see the power of my father, the greatness of my father, Lazarus needed to die. I can heal from afar but I needed to show you this. I was four days late but with me all things are possible. I needed to show them the glory of God. So in the end, I raised LAZARUS from the dead. No one has power over death except me your KING (1-45). My followers, I know sometimes you pass through some hardship, worries, and all but for the glory of God to be displayed, all I want from you is to have patience and obedience. So that in the end, you will see the glory of God. Remember, something happens for a reason. Because of what happened in verse (1-45) those who don't know my voice and don't want to know my voice and have also rejected me want to kill me (46-57). Their behavior is displaying in this your generations, so be wise and turn to me.

Thank you.

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