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         If they are planning this against me then know that they will the same to you (1-2). But never allow satan to rule your life. And also be careful with those around you including your parents, pastors and prophets and apostles, etc (3-5). I know the seconds ahead of you, I know your future. So trust me with all your heart(7-13). Those fighting for positions, listen like you have never listened to me before. You've got to lay down your life for the purposes of your KING. I've been seeing some Pastors, evangelists, Apostles, etc getting angry simply because someone did not add DR DR REV and the rest to their names. Why do you worry yourself because someone did not call you Bishop or a Pastor? They are all of no use. But listen to this and adhere to it (24-30). As followers, I have given you the power to stand firm, a power of truth, way, and life that is founded by righteousness and justice. Practice this therefore as followers so that you help others in a way of spreading me for them to get save through you (31-32). But don't forget, I hate a selfish follower.  Following my steps will automatically help others to get saved. As followers, eat prayers, eat communication with me for my time is up for the persecution. I wish I will stay with you on earth forever but this place is not the dwelling place for me, that's is I came to show you they way to my dwelling place so that we can unite there and live forever (39-46). This verse shows the third baptism of me (54-71). You can't escape this baptism as a follower so stand firm and obey my words.

Thank you and stay bless.

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