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                 I don't have set days in doing my work, the work of my father in heaven. Listen to me, that's the truth and fact. Following me means you must adhere to it (1-6). Again, proudness is just a stupid sin. Having inordinate self-esteem possessing a high or unreasonable conceit of one's excellence, either of body or mind. My lovely followers, exalting yourself is of no gain. Know that, humbleness is a great gain before God and your KING, therefore pursue it. Verse number (12-14) is telling you that, I came for the sick not the healthy. It is only the sick that need medicine. The peels I give to the sick are a way of medicating them against societal ills. That pills, that medicine, is my words, take it and you will be healthy. Now, I was sent to save the Israelites, not Gentiles, but the disobedience of some Israelites paved way for the Gentiles to enter my kingdom. Those that gave excuses were some of the Israelites. The poor, the cripple, the blind and lame were you the Gentiles. So it is by grace and mercy that I saved you all by shedding my blood on the cross. Be careful therefore not to misbehave for if I rejected the Israelites who disobey, how much more you gentiles. Is not that I have rejected them forever but if only they repent and come to me like the prodigal son. I will happily welcome them to my bosom (15-24).
Again, following me is of great sacrifice. If you don't sacrifice all of you to me, you can't follow me (25-27) and (28-35) is an example especially in verse (34). Be wise and study me well and I will show you my way, a way that heals, a way that provides, a way that saves, a way that gives eternal life.

Thank you and stay bless.

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