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             Now listen my sheep's, I'm your shepherd(KING). I'm sending you to a place of wolves so be extra careful. If you obey me nothing will harm you for I'm with you. Listen to verse (1-16) but don't forget to tell this to the other sheep. (16). My followers, this is what you must fight for, this is what you must focus on, that your name will be written in heaven. What I want to tell you is, defeating the devil's works is not 100 percent assurance that you will go to heaven, is not a way to my kingdom but rather, overcoming sin every day is the gradual process of going to heaven (17-20). But blessed are those who have seen the KING your SHEPHERD (23-24). As for verse '21' listen to what one of my follower's APOSTLE PAUL has for you in (1 Corinthians 1:26-27). My lovely followers, I have summarized it and I have to because if you want eternal salvation and for your name to be written in heaven then listen to this and obey this (25-28). Now listen to what you must do to one another in (29-37) and you will see love and mercy in verse (29-37). So do same unto others. Again, listen, stop being too busy over things that will not give you eternal life. Let your attention be more and serious to me your KING than any other thing surrounding you. Is very important, so wise up (38-42).

Thank you and stay bless.

THE GOSPEL BRIEF. Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin