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         Followers, I believe is advisable to at least remember ourselves. Reading and studying it over and over again is the progress product of understanding and knowing more about the KING. Luke the Physician and possibly Gentile and a close friend Apostle Paul (Colossians 4:14), we the followers of this generation say thank you for reminding us about the KING again. If we can play a song repeatedly, then is good and very important we also learn about the KING repeatedly. A KING who was born by the HOLY SPIRIT but comes from a clan called JUDAH in flesh. Even in the womb, the one who will prepare the way for the KING greeted the KING and was happy to see the KING (verse 41,44,76). What a mighty KING. A KING who does wonders in the womb. How can a KING in a womb give a name to another person in the womb called JOHN THE BAPTIST? You can't understand him, so please let's just obey his words. Let be the doers of his words. HEAVENLY KING WE BOW BEFORE YOU. RULER OF THE UNIVERSE, PLEASE HELP US FOR WE ARE WILLING TO OBEY YOU.


THE GOSPEL BRIEF. Onde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora