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        Listen to me as you've never listened to me before, ever in your life. You have got to lay down your life for the purposes of God my father in heaven. As followers of the KING, It is a war for you. A war of coming out from them(sins). Run for your life but don't forget I'm the life so run to me. You came into existence because of me. I made you. Nothing came into existence without me. I'm the word. I'm your God. Your life lies in me that is why you need me to live forever. I was the one who sent JOHN THE BAPTIST to prepare the way for me, for my coming into this world though I was in the world already people never recognized me. I'm the light in (GENESIS 1). I came to save the ISRAELITES (verse 11) but they rejected me and that paved the way for all of you the Gentiles. Therefore, those who believe and trust in me with their everything shall be saved. As followers, be wise and heed this saying (1-18). This is how I came to you in verse (14). I'm telling you this through JOHN, one of my witnesses on earth, the smallest among the disciples, remember I even called him, my beloved. JOHN THE BAPTIST testify that I was in the world before he came (verse 15). Followers, it is by grace I gave this work to John (14-28). Listen to this about me (29-34). Even my presence win souls, my presence draws people near me so don't harden your heart for I made you, and I can choose whom I like (43-44). I said this about Nathaniel because I'm the truth and I know the truth about him. There's no deceit in Nathaniel. As followers of the KING, you don't have the right to exalt yourself. Expect my praise through your lifestyle. I, therefore, urge you to follow my steps for I made you come into existence. I'm the WAY.

Thank you and stay bless.

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