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        My lovely followers, there is one thing I want you to know. I made you into existence. Never decide for me for I am the KING of KINGS. You don't have the right to tell me what I should do and what I shouldn't do. I have my time in doing my staffs. I'm without sin that is why the world hates me (1-10). This is how people will do to you if you follow me, so stand firm and never give up for I am with you. Continue to follow me in truth and spirit (11-13). Followers, the writer of this book THE GOSPEL BRIEF has always been telling you that, serving and worshiping me is not about Education. Those degrees and Master's Degrees are not a qualification to do my work. (14-15). Just don't be like them (16-24) but follow my commands. Those who don't know me will not understand me (25-31). I repeat, those who don't know me will not understand (32-36). My followers, without my spirit, you are nothing. You need my spirit to follow me well and that is why I'm showing the way, the way to get my spirit, and this way I'm talking about is not far but it is me, I am the way. Obey what I tell you for that is the way (37-39) because some don't know me that is why they call me Prophet but also know that, I'm more than a prophet. I'm the son of the living God. Keep reading and studying the Bible which is me and you will know more of me.

Thank you.

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