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                 The KING loves virgins but not just virgins. He came to earth through a virgin, now coming to Jerusalem as a KING, he needed to show his virginity and his love for virgins (2-3). There is a place for everything. There is a place to bath, a place to sell and buy, a place to play, a place to read and study your Bible( I don't think you will study your Bible at the beer bar, at the pub, etc). Why then do you sell and buy in the house of prayer, a house of worship. Even as mortals as we are, we have the sense of not bathing in the market, why then do you dress sexy to the house of prayer, to the house of worship. A place where the KING is present. "He said where two or three people have gathered in my name I'm there".  Why then do you do balderdash things at the place of worship and the place of prayer? Me as your KING, I rebuked these actions, and instead of learning from their mistakes the leaders rather planned to kill me (15-19). Well, my fellow followers, take this and adhere to it (29-26). Because they don't believe KING is from heaven, they always ask unnecessary questions. But as a follower of me, WATER BAPTISM is important for you to adhere to it. Throw away your ideas and let my will be done.


THE GOSPEL BRIEF. Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin