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KING of KINGS LORD of LORDS how magnificent you are. If your sin is the cause of your sickness, then you need the KING to forgive you 1st. But he set an example for his followers not to behave like some of the teachers of the law. You see, we the followers are not qualified to disqualify someone but qualification are in the hands of the KING. So please calm down followers. (1-8). Who are you to reject the calling of the KING? Not as funny but I think Mathew remembered what happened to Jonah when God called him and disobey him. As an example, the KING calls for a purpose and that purpose is far important than what you said you are busy doing. verse (9). The KING says, be good to everyone(10-13). You don't buy your food with your own money if your father takes you out for a dinner. verse(14-17).
How can you die in the presence of the KING, unless you don't need his presence? verse(18-34). These are a specimen for his followers but they are few, and they are few because there's no love and truth in them. Be wise and follow the KING well for He saves.

Thank you.

THE GOSPEL BRIEF. Onde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora