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          I knew it already, you are permitted by my father and it is the will from my father for this to happen, so I have no grudge (1-9). Peter, humbleness is very important (10). But here, I'm talking about the final suffering of me your King (11). My words are truth (12-14). I told you I'm more than a prophet (15-18). But it is also a good sign that you are a follower of me (15-18). Hmmm (19-24). PETER, It was supposed to happen. I know you more than myself (25-27). A King who doesn't know the meaning of truth (38). Followers, don't be too fleshy. I am the way, the truth, and the life. Obey me, trust me and you will know the truth (33-40). Don't forget, my death process gave freedom to Barabbas and how much more you who follow me.

Thank you. 

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