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                       Don't be confused my followers, don't be disturbed, I did not come to throw away the teachings of the sabbath my father told you, but I came to conclude it, I came to fill it, I came to make it complete. I've told you that, 'I and my father are one'. If you believe in my father then you have to believe in me too, because we are one. I am the KING of the Sabbath. The sabbath was made for man not man for the sabbath. What crime is it to heal the sick on the day of the sabbath? If it is a sin to eat on the Sabbath then it is a sin to allow your animals to eat and drink on Sabbath too. See what my father is telling you about me through PROPHET ISAIAH in (ISAIAH 42:1-4). see verse (18-21) of MATHEW. My followers, believe me, how can I fight with my father having the same spirit called the HOLY SPIRIT? How can the devil fight with itself?  How can a demon cast out a demon? Is error? See verse (25-29).
My followers, be very extra careful with the Holy Spirit, don't talk if you don't know anything about it. Because any blasphemy against it will never be forgiven. There is no forgiveness in the book of the Holy Spirit if you insult it. See verse(30-32) and listen to this verse (33-37) to check your heart. What I want to tell you is, don't let signs and wonders happened before you believe me but believe in my words I give you and the signs will follow you. See verse (38-45). Therefore, my family is those who believe in me and obey my words, so don't harden your heart for I live forever. (46-50).

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